Chapter 6

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Charlotte's PoV
My eyes fluttered open and I noticed I was spread across the whole length of the double bed. My feet were on my side but I was lay across Adam's chest.
I tried to move back to my side slowly so not to wake him but his two arms snaked around my waist holding me in place.
"Where are you going" his voice was raspy and his eyes were still closed.
"I don't want to squish you" I whispered
He just chuckled and continued to hold me there. I relaxed into his bare chest and my fox purred.
Someone knocked on the door gently.
"Go away" Adam grumbled
"Are you naked!" A girls voice rang through the room.
I stiffened. Who wanted to know if my mate was naked.
"No!" Adam growled back.
There was no answer. The girl just burst through the door and stood squealing at us.
I felt my face heat up at our position and I didn't know if I should hide beneath the covers or kill her for looking at my mate.
"How could my big brother not introduce me to my mate the day he met her!" She seemed angry "she's beautiful."
I wasn't sure what to do. I was annoyed because she spoke like I wasn't here but I also felt bad for wanting to kill his sister.
She ran up to me and pulled me out of the bed unexpectedly. I slid of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud.
Adam shot out of bed and was at my side in seconds.
"Are you ok? Where does it hurt? I think we should go back to the doctor"
"I'm fine" I laughed. He didn't seem to believe me so I stood up and smiled to prove my point.
He smiled slightly but still seemed on edge so I hugged him and he instantly relaxed.
"Ewwww that's my brother" the girl laughed.
"You are in our bedroom Brooke" Adam growled. "What do you even want?"
"I wanted to take my new sister shopping, you know since she ran away from her pack and is stuck in your ugly clothes" she laughed.
I smiled and was about to say yes
"No" Adam replied
"Why?" Me and Brooke both shot back.
Adam paused. "I like her in my clothes" he joked but I could tell there was something else.
"Pleaseeeeeeee" Brooke pushed.
"She's supposed to be resting."
"I promise we will sit down after every shop and if she wants to come back we can" Brooke argued. Adam huffed and looked at me. I just stared back with pleading eyes.
"Fine, but you have to take guards with you."
"Why, you've never made me do that before" Brooke quizzed.
"Don't argue. That's how it is." He said sternly.
He threw on a shirt, pecked me on the lips and disappeared downstairs. I got the feeling he was sulking.
Brooke grabbed my arm and pulled me into her bedroom.

After about half an hour of me trying on some of Brooke's clothes to go shopping in we were finally ready.
We rushed downstairs laughing. I felt like I had known her forever.
There were four guards stood by the door waiting to go. I raised my eyebrow thinking it was a bit excessive. Immediately they bowed their heads and I looked at Brooke puzzled.
"They're bowing to their Luna" she said.
Ah, I had forgotten that small detail.
"You don't have to do that" I grinned towards them and they smiled back.
Adam came out of his office and wrapped his arms around me, burrying his face in my neck.
"Please be careful" he whispered so quietly I almost missed it.
I hugged him back to reassure him.
"Guys stop!" Brooke complained. When neither of us made the effort to move she grabbed my arm again and started to pull me towards the door.
"Bye big bro" she called before we were out of sight.
We ran to the car and jumped in the back. Two guards got into our car and the others took another one to follow us.
"To the mall!" Brooke screamed and I laughed.

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