Chapter 8

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I opened our bedroom door slowly.
The sound of her sobs almost broke my heart. She was sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands.
I sat next to her and she buried her face in my chest as she calmed down slowly. I rubbed her back soothingly and she looked me in the eye.
"I saw John" she wiped away another tear. "Alpha Roberts Beta"
I stiffened immediately. She saw him and didn't tell her guards. Something told me now was not the time to argue over that so I ignored it for now. At least she got them all out of there.
"I still can't believe my family and pack want me dead" her eyes pooled with tears that threatened to pour out. "I was so scared. I couldn't tell them out loud because he would have heard me and that could have made things worse. I didn't know what to do"
She hugged me again.
My wolf howled because our mate was crying. I hugged her tightly and we sat in silence until she had calmed down.
I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at me. Then I leaned in slowly giving her the chance to pull away. When she didn't I kissed her gently. After a couple of seconds she kissed me back and deepened the kiss. We attacked each other's mouths for a while before I pulled back. I looked at her swollen lips wanting more but I was struggling to control my wolf.
Her eyes were a brilliant golden colour instead of a deep brown, showing her fox was surfacing too.
"Mark me" She panted
She didn't need to ask me twice. I trailed kisses down her neck to her collar bone. She let out a soft moan letting me know I had found the spot. My canines extended and I sunk my teeth into her neck. She screamed in pain but it was immediately replaced by moans of pleasure.
I pulled away and licked her wound clean.
She leaned her head on my chest as she caught her breath and a small yawn escaped her lips.
I picked her up and pulled the covers back, placing her in bed before climbing in beside her.
I could feel our bond was stronger already, even though we hadn't mated yet. I could tell she was contented at this moment in time. She seemed to have forgotten today's events. I closed my eyes and let my myself fall asleep beside my mate. Honestly,I could get used to this.

Unknown PoV
"We can't attack her in the mall alpha, there's too many people around. But I promise you, we gave her a good scare."
I could hear Alpha Robert laughing on the other end of the phone.
Having John on the balcony, just staring scared her to death, and no one even knew what she was so upset about.
"Well done" he replied. "I'll keep you updated with the plan. We have to make a move soon, before she realises how strong she really is"
With that he hung up the phone.
That bitch is a dead girl walking.

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