Chapter 21

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Adams PoV
Eventually I heard a car pull up. I took a deep breath and picked up my mate. I tried my best to ignore the fact that my skin felt like it was on fire and rushed up the stairs.
I winced as she snuggled in closer to me. The second we got to to the car carefully, but quickly, put her on the backseat. I got in next to her and looked at my blistered arms. Thankfully they were already healing.
On the way back to our land I mindlinked the pack doctor and told him to be ready for Charlotte as soon as we arrived.

It was all happening so fast. The doctor was shouting. Charlotte was rushed off. I was left alone feeling sick with worry. In fact, I felt very sick.
I ran through the hallway and managed to make it to the bathrooms before I puked. I stayed in there for about 20 minutes before the sickness passed. I wobbled out of the bathroom looking for Charlotte, trying not to cry.
Get a grip. I scolded myself. I have to be strong for her.
Liam was sat in the hallway with his arm around Lulu.
I tried to ignore it but I was so jealous. My mate was in the hospital and with all that wolfsbane in her and I couldn't even touch her.
He stood up when he saw me.
"You ok man?"
I just sighed, not sure what to say to him.
His forehead wrinkled as he frowned. "She'll be fine man. She's strong. The pack doctor will come back and tell you that." He reassured me.
I nodded and tried to smile, grateful of his efforts.
Lulu stood up and joined us.
"Why don't you go for a shower while you wait? Grab something to eat? We can wait here."
I growled at her. "I will not leave my mate here."
She shrunk back and nodded, apologising.
I sighed. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh"
She gave me an understanding smile.
At that moment the pack doctor walked in and broke the awkward silence between us, which I was grateful for.
"If you follow me alpha, I'll take you to the Luna"

Charlottes PoV
I felt the pain in my head. I tried to move but my whole body ached. The bright light pierced my eyes as I opened them so I squeezed them closed again.
Slowly this time I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light.
The room was a bright white and I could hear a machine beeping. I realised I was in the hospital.
I noticed Adam on the chair next to me. He had leant forwards and was resting his head on the bed, fast asleep. There were dark purple bags below his eyes and his hair was a mess.
I lifted my hand to stroke his hair but I stopped at the last second. Would I still hurt him?
My fox whined, wanting me to touch him.
Adam stirred and slowly sat up, still looking shattered after his sleep.
His eyes met mine and the most amazing smile spread across his face. It made me grin back at him.
"Are you ok? Does anything hurt?" He asked immediately.
I shook my head, ignoring the pain in my shoulder.
He leaned forwards to take hold of my hand but I snatched it away quickly.
For a split second hurt flashed across his face before he realised.
"It's ok, the wolfsbane is pretty much out of your system. It doesn't hurt me anymore." He smiled and took hold of my hand.
I sighed contently at the familiar sparks I felt.
He brought his other hand up to tuck my hair behind my ear.
"How long have I been here?" I asked.
He frowned. "Just over a week. That's why the wolfsbane has worked it's way out of your system."
I felt my eyes widen. I looked at the bags below his eyes and his messy hair again and frowned myself.
"Have you been home in that time? Slept? Showered? Eaten?"
He just shrugged. "I stayed here. If you couldn't go home then neither could I."

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