Chapter 15

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Charlotte's PoV
Today was the day. The whole pack was gathered in front of the pack house. Those who couldn't fight were staying behind with the children but most of the pack was coming with us.
Adam was giving everyone their orders and they all willingly nodded.
He looked at me and took my hand, "are you ready?"
I took a deep breath "ready as I'll ever be."

With that we shifted. The pack copied and we took of running to my old home.

It felt like we were running for hours before Adam finally slowed down.
Quiet now, we're close
His voice rang out across the mindlink.
The pack came into sight and I gasped. There they stood, waiting for us with Alpha Robert at the front. My eyes widened in panic. How do they know!?
Change of plan, they knew we were coming. There's still more of us and we've prepared for this. I believe in us.
Before any of us moved a young girl appeared and joined Alpha Roberts. I immediately recognised her and from the huge growl beside me Adam released he did to.
Adam shifted back and threw some shorts on.
"Brooke! HOW COULD YOU?" He roared. The hurt and betrayal in his voice made my fox whine.
Alpha Roberts moved to stand protectively in front of Brooke. "Don't speak to her like that" he growled.
Adam clenched his jaw, clearly getting mad. I shifted back and tried to calm him down.
The second I stepped forwards towards Adam alpha Roberts shifted and ran towards us. His pack, including Brooke, followed suit.
Adam and I shifted and our pack battled.
I fought beside Adam and we took down wolf after wolf.
I let Jenny take over so I didn't have to think about all the people I was killing. I saw LuLu struggling with 3 wolves so I darted over to her. I was so fast that I barrelled into one and sent him flying. I ripped his throat out and returned to Lulu.
Thanks Charlotte
We continued to fight beside each other and I could see our pack was winning.
I glanced back towards Adam to see him and his sister facing off. She pounced on him but he easily knocked her down. He pinned her to the ground with a paw but paused.
His wolf was so mad but he didn't want to kill his sister. In that brief moment of hesitation he was distracted Alpha Roberts charged in and threw Adam to the ground. His beta John rushed to help. I started sprinting towards Adam. John grabbed Adams throat with his teeth and my heart stopped.
The whole battle around us froze as everyone looked at Adam pinned down by his neck.
I looked around desperately trying to find a way to stop this.
Get out of here Charlotte, I can't protect you
His pained voice rang through my head.
No. You said we were a team, in this together.
Alpha Roberts shifted back and so did I. His pack was loosing until he had Adam. He turned to face me.
"You take your pack out of here now or he dies" Roberts ordered, pointing at Adam.
I growled. Alpha Roberts knew he couldn't win now so using Adam was his only way out.
"How do I know you won't kill him anyway if we leave?"
He paused for a moment.
"We could leave him and take you instead" he grinned evilly.
Adam growled but John dug his teeth in harder, effectively shutting Adam up.
Adam glared at me, urging me to leave.
I turned back to Roberts. "But you want me dead too, and if I die, Adam could die anyway." I pointed out. Our bond had gotten very strong meaning neither of us would cope if the other died.
Alpha Roberts chuckled. "Oh sweetie. I was so naive when I wanted you dead. But now you've proven yourself, I could use you. I could find a way to make my pack immune to wolfsbane, just like you are."
I thought about it. Surely he can't do that. He can't just make someone immune to wolfsbane. I pondered it.
"Fine. Swap me for Adam."
Adam thrashed about helplessly. Our pack growled at me not liking the idea. I growled and silenced them.
This was the only way we could come out of this all alive.
I slowly walked over to Alpha Roberts. Brooke moved to stand next to him and they both grabbed my arms as soon as I was close enough.
The moment they had hold of me, John let Adam get up. They growled at each other and backed up.
Adam looked at me with tears in his eyes.
You promised. His broken voice rang in my head. You promised me you wouldn't sacrifice yourself.
My heart broke at his pained voice.
I'm so sorry. It was the only way. I pleaded with him to forgive me.
I know. I'll get you out of this. I promise.
He was trying to reassure me.
I smiled at him. I hope you keep promises better than I do
He didn't find my joke funny in the slightest.
Adam growled at Alpha Roberts and turned away with the rest of his pack and ran.

"If you come back I'll kill her!" He screeched to Adam as he ran away.

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