Chapter 40

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Charlottes PoV

I woke up in an empty, cold bed.
Last night Adam had sat on the other side of the locked bathroom door, begging me to speak to him. I refused. I wasn't ready to face him yet.
I'd eventually come out of the bathroom and was going to sleep on the couch downstairs but he wouldn't let me. Instead I slept in the bed and he slept somewhere else. I wasn't sure where and I didn't care.
I sighed and started to get dressed. I needed to find Lulu and my baby.
Once I was ready, I knocked on Lulu's door. Before I had even finished knocking, her door was flung open and she pulled me into a hug.
I hugged her back weakly and then pulled away.
She frowned and I just explained that if I hugged her, then I would start crying again and I really didn't want to.
Liam had already told her what happened but I explained it all fully to her again.
She just sat and listened intently.
"Do you think I'm over reacting?" I asked.
Lulu frowned.
"I think you have every right to be mad at him. But at the same time it could have been a lot worse." She paused for a moment, thinking before she continued. "Have you spoken to him? What's his side?"
I shook my head. "We've not spoken yet."
"Maybe you should" she suggested.
I stayed with Lulu for an hour, just chatting and generally cheering up.
Asher was crawling and playing most of the time. After an hour he began to get grumpy. I thought he might be hungry so I took him downstairs to get us both breakfast.
Adam was sat in the kitchen with his head in his hands when I walked in.
I wasn't sure what to do or say so I quickly chopped up some fruit for both me and Asher and then carried him back to our room.
I sat on the floor with him as we both ate.
I was so happy with our little boy. I couldn't wait for him to grow up and make a great alpha one day.
I spent the whole morning in my room with Asher and eventually he went down for a mid day nap. I decided to watch tv while he slept.
I began planning in my head what I wanted to say to Adam. I wanted to speak to him today. We couldn't ignore each other forever.

A quiet knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I immediately knew it was Adam from his scent.
My fox whined, missing him already after not even 24 hours.
I flicked the tv off and sat up cross legged on the bed and called for him to come in.

He sheepishly opened the door and entered the room.
He scanned the room, noticing Asher sleeping and finally looked at me.
"I think we should talk" he murmured.
I nodded in reply.
"Look Charlotte. I'm sorry. I should have told you what I was doing instead of...."
"No" I cut him off. "You shouldn't have told me. You just shouldn't have done it."
His eyebrows knitted to together in confusion.
"You shouldn't have been torturing him!" I shouted, glancing at Asher to make sure I hadn't woken him.
Adams face moved from confused to annoyed.
"He tortured you!" He exclaimed.
I paused for a moment. He did. And I get that Adam was mad.
"Well you definitely shouldn't have hidden it from me. You've lied to me for weeks. You know I was terrified of where that man was, I knew he wasn't dead. You let me sit here worrying when the whole time he was here, locked up in our home."
"Im sorry, I should have told you." His voice cracked at the end.
"And I knew something was off with you. I thought you were seeing someone else. I thought you were bored of me and moved on. Do you know how I've felt these last few week. You're my rock. You're all I have left and I couldn't turn to you." I paused, holding back tears again. "And now I just sound pathetic."
I cringed at the soppyness of my words but it was true. I needed him.
He pulled me into a hug whilst I cried and I finally relaxed in his arms.

We're coming to the end of this book. However I am thinking of doing a sequel!!

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