Chapter 2

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I turned and ran, straight towards my packs border. Then I realised my body was doing this on its own. Is this what it feels like when your wolf takes over?
I was so confused. Why does Alpha Robert want to kill me? Why were my parents so disappointed in my shift? Did I not do it right?
All these questions ran through my head. As I focused where I was going again I noticed I was about to cross the territory line. Alphas didn't like to leave their territory unnecessarily so this was my best chance to get away.
As I crossed the line I felt a strain on my connection to the pack. My alpha wasn't giving me permission to leave and by running away I was abandoning the pack. I let my wolf keep running until the connection broke and I was officially a rogue.
My wolf ran for about another hour before stopping by a lake and giving control back to me. I fell into a heap exhausted from running all this way.
I had no idea where we were.
We need to keep going. It's not safe here
I assumed the voice in my head was my wolf so I trusted her and continued to walk.
What's your name I asked her
I'm Jenny
I carried on walking for a while just thinking about what happened.
Why do they hate us I asked her
There was silence for a while before she finally answered
Because we aren't like them Charlotte. We are not a wolf
This confused me. Of course I was a wolf. My parents were wolves. I was from a pack of wolves. Heck I even shifted into a wolf!
No you didn't
She was annoying me now.
Just tell me what you mean or stop talking I snapped at her
You will see what I mean
And with that she went quiet. I huffed and continued walking. I watched my paws as I put one foot in front of another. They were a reddish colour. I wonder is the rest of me is this colour.
My body was exhausted and it was now really dark. I decided I needed to find somewhere to rest for a while.
I found a tree with a wide trunk. Without thinking I began digging at the trunk until I had made a slight hallow that I could fit my body into. I settled into it and noticed that the sides protected me from any harsh winds in the night. I guess living outside comes naturally after you shift.
I closed my eyes and let myself fall to sleep as my body began to relax.

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