Chapter 17

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Charlottes PoV
The door creaked open once again and the pack doctor came down the stairs with the syringe. I think I've been in here for three days and even she looks shattered from having to inject me every hour, even through the night.
The wolfsbane was starting to have an effect on me. My whole body was aching slightly and Jenny wouldn't speak to me, however that may just be because she is missing her mate.
I decided to act like it was affecting me more than it actually was in the hope that they would give me less and I could keep some strength.
The doctor left and shut the door, leaving me in the darkness.
I thought about Adam. What was he doing right now? I hope he can find a way out of this.
I miss you I mind linked him hopelessly.

Charlotte!? Is that you. Oh god my head hurts.
I heard Adam groan in my head. What? I can hear him. But the wolf's bane should prevent that.
Your not a wolf. Different rules for us remember Jenny finally piped up.

Charlotte can you hear me? God why does my head hurt so much. Adams desperate voice rang out again.

Yes, yes I can. Adam I think the wolfsbane they've given me is affecting you when we mindlink. I hated hearing the pain in his voice.

Ah god it hurts. Charlotte where are you?

They're keeping me in the basement around the back. There's a out of guards outside and they have wolfsbane weapons. Don't rush in Adam. You need a plan.

Adam just groaned in pain and I felt the mind link end. He couldn't cope with the wolfsbane any longer. I don't know if he heard where I was or my warning about the wolfsbane.
I felt my stomach sink as the door opened again for my next injection.

Adams PoV
I opened my eyes and realised I was lay on my office floor. I must have passed out from the pain.
I got up and called Liam in to form a plan of attack.

"It has to be different this time. They only won by taking one of us hostage and making us retreat. We can't let that happen."  I thought out loud.

"But they already have Charlotte." Liam pointed out. "So they have the upper hand."

I ran my hand through my hair. The pack have been training so hard the past few days but if attacking might threaten Charlottes life then there's no point.
"What if we send someone in to scout it out. See where Charlotte was, when they go and see her. When shes alone. If we can find out when she's alone and attack then, we can get to her before they can hold her against us." I suggested.
Liam nodded slowly. "That could just work."

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