Chapter 20

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Charlottes PoV
I opened my eyes slowly. At this point I'm not sure how many days I've been here. Probably about a week. They kept giving me wolfsbane to keep me weak and it was really taking its toll on me. I could barely move and they knew it. I had intended to try and appear weaker than I was so that I could fight back, but they never stoped giving me the wolfsbane and it was really effecting me now.
The door at the top opened and alpha Roberts stormed down the stairs. I heard him have an argument with Brooke last night and from the look on his face I don't think they've made up yet.
"You think your clever? That I can't hurt you now that I can't touch you!" He growled and I noticed a brick in his hand. "Well I can"
Hi raised his hand and threw it at me with all his might. It bounced off my shoulder and I screamed in pain.
Next he threw hot water over me, burning my skin. "That's what it feels like when I touch you but 100 times worse" he screamed at me.
He didn't stay long. I was left hurting all over. Barely able to move.
I was so drained but Jenny kept me going. She kept telling me our mate would come for us.
As she was talking about him, I swear I could smell him. I shut my eyes and thought about my mate. I felt the darkness take over me slowly.

Adams PoV
My pack was in the woods behind the pack house. I could hear Charlotte screaming and my wolf was ready to murder the son of a bitch hurting her. But we had to wait. If we went in there whilst someone was with Charlotte, Alpha Roberts would keep his word and kill her. She had to be alone when we went in. The wait was agonising but eventually it went quiet.
That was our cue. Hopefully it meant she was alone.
I nodded to my pack and we launched forwards towards the pack house.
Immediately wolves started to attack us but we didn't engage. We jumped and dodged their attacks.
Our priority was to reach the door where Charlotte was and attack from there, meaning no one could reach her.
Her scent grew stronger and my wolf went crazy. We reached the door and I sent Lulu down to get her out while the rest of us faught.
My pack massively outnumbered this one, especially after our last fight.
I killed every wolf that came near me and as I looked around I was glad to see my pack doing the same.
It wasn't long before they started to flee.
Liam, find alpha Roberts. I want brought to me alive. I ordered
I left my pack to find Charlotte, knowing they were capable of finishing the job. They would kill anyone threatening them. They would then round up the innocent people and give them the choice to come back to our pack and accept the Luna for what she was, or become a rogue.

I rushed down the stairs looking for my mate. Lulu was tugging at the chains that bound her to the chair.
For a second I froze. My heart broke at the sight of her. Her unconscious body was bruised and bloody, and she looked so weak, almost dead.
My wolf growled at me, urging me to go to her and snapping me out of my trance.
Lulu moved out of my way and I easily broke the chains from her wrist.
I moved to pick her up, craving the sparks we felt when our skin touched.
I brought her into my arms and immediately hissed in pain and put her back down.
They've given her so much wolfsbane that I can't even touch her.
"Lulu go and find a car, take one of theirs I don't care. We just need to get her out of here. Tell Liam to guard this entrance while you're gone. Hurry up!"
I turned to face my mate and brushed my hand along her hair, ignoring the pain.
"I guess I do keep my promises better than you" I whispered to her.

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