Chapter 36

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Charlottes PoV

I sat in the kitchen with Lulu whilst I fed Asher his breakfast. She was chatting all about her and Liam's date last night.
Usually we were both invested in each others love life, as best friends should be, but today I couldn't focus on anything she said. My mind was whirling just thinking about Adam. I tried to ignore it but the only explanation I had was that he was cheating on me.
I sat down next to Asher and started spoon feeding him his baby food. In between his mouthfuls I quickly shovelled in some cornflakes before he was reaching out and asking for more.
I glanced at Lulu, who was basically taking to herself at this point. I noticed how happy she looked at the minute. I ignored a small wave of jealousy that hit me and grabbed another spoonful of cornflakes.
Lulu burst out laughing as I gagged and spat out my food. I'd eaten Asher's food rather than my own. I swilled my mouth out with water and spat in the sink.
"Omg you should have seen your face!" Lulu was beside herself laughing.
For me this was the final straw.
Tears flooded from my eyes and I slid down the kitchen cabinet. I sat in the floor crying my eyes out.
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Lulu rushed to my side. She sat on the floor with me and pulled me into a hug.
For a few minutes all I could do was cry. Lulu sat quietly hugging me until I calmed down enough to tell her.
Once I finished explaining i couldn't decide if she was going to punch someone or cry herself.
"Surely he's not." She tried to reason. "Your his mate... he loves you so much"
I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Look. You have to do something. You need to confront him." She suggested.
I shook my head. "What's the point. If he is, then he's only going to deny it."
Lulu frowned. She was clearly thinking.
"Ok then. I'll look after Asher today. You tell Adam I'm looking after him today and tonight so you can catch up on anything there is left to do today. He will most certainly get stressed if your pushing to get it all finished by the end of today. Then when he storms off for his walk you follow."
I nodded, liking the plan.
Lulu continued, "that way you get answers. Best case scenario he's going for a walk. Worst case..." she paused for a moment. "At least you will know.
I sighed. "Thanks Lulu."
Hopefully I'd finally figure out what was going on.

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