Chapter 33

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Charlottes PoV

I gently rocked Asher until his eyes slowly began to shut. I placed him down for a nap, carefully backing away as to not wake him.
We had been released from hospital on the condition that Adam kept a close eye on both me and Asher and if anything seemed out of the ordinary we had to go straight back and see the doctor.
I opened the bedroom door,stepped out of the room and tried to close it quietly.
Just before I managed to shut the door Adam shouted name from the bottom of the stairs.
"Charlotte, do you want anything to eat!?"
I cursed under my breath, knowing that that racket would have woken Asher.
"NO" I snapped. I walked to the top of the stairs and looked down at Adam.
"I have just put him down for a nap and your here screaming about food? You can put him back to bed."
Adam tried to hold back a laugh as he obediently climbed the stairs and entered our child's room.
A few moments later he re-appeared grinning at me.
"See, I didn't even wake him up." He announced proudly.
I shook my head and playfully swatted his shoulder.
"You're lucky then" I smiled. "And yes, I would like something to eat."

We spent the next week mainly in the house, getting used to looking after a new born.
Liam was pretty much running the pack at the moment, with Adam just helping out where needed.
The first time Lulu came to visit, my fox was very defensive of our child. It took a lot of restraint for me to even let her through the door. Jenny eventually calmed down after I urged her that Lulu wasn't a threat, but she still wouldn't let her hold Asher.
Lulu was still a massive help. Besides from keeping me company while Adam was busy, she helped me clean up and even cooked to make sure we were eating properly. I was so grateful.
"Hey Lulu, are you free this afternoon?"
She nodded her head as she flicked through TV channels, coming to the conclusion that nothing good was on.
"How about we go on a walk? Me, you, Adam and Liam. We need a catch up." I suggested hopefully. I needed to get out of this house.
She grinned. "Sure, I'll let the boys know."
Her eyes glazed over as she mind linked them with our plan.
"Adam thinks it's a good idea to get you out of the house"

A few hours later we were ready to meet the boys. I put Asher in his pram and we waited at the front door for the boys to meet us.
As soon as they approach, little Asher's eyes widened and he laughed.
I smiled as Adam ran over to him and started tickling his stomach.
"How's my baby boy?" Adam laughed.
He stood up and looked at me. His hand took hold of mine as he kissed my head.
"Come on then, let's go"

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