Chapter 30

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Adams PoV

I was greeted in the pack doctors by a bed on wheels. Placed Charlotte on it and they began to whisk her away.
I chased her through the halls of the pack hospital until she reached two double doors and I wasn't allowed to enter.
I growled at the pack doctor as he stood in my way. He ignored my behaviour and insisted it was better for Charlotte. That they couldn't do everything with me there in case my wolf went crazy at them for hurting her.
I slumped into a chair in the hall and put my head in my hands.
I was struggling to contain my wolf as it was. Never mind if I had to watch them poke and prod her.

I sat there for what felt like hours.
Liam and Lulu arrived and sat with me. None of us dared speak but not being alone right now was helpful.
A nurse appeared in the hallway and approached us nervously.
"I just want to update you alpha." She tried to sound professional but I could hear the tremble in her voice. It's not every day you address the alpha.
I realised I was glaring harshly at her and tried to relax.
She continued "We have induced Charlottes labour. Her fox is failing. It's to much for her and she's unable to protect your child anymore. The wolfsbane is rushing back into Charlottes system which caused her to collapse. As you know this isn't fatal for Charlotte but it is highly likely to be fatal for your child. We have to get him out as soon as possible."
I nodded. "Will he be alright?"
She forced a smile. "We can't say for sure"
That was all she told me before rushing back to help the doctor.
Liam came and rested his hand on my shoulder.
"In a way it's good news I guess" he tried to comfort me.
"How Liam? Her fox is failing to protect our child? How is that good news?" I snapped at him.
"Sorry mate, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant, at least your mates ok"
I sat back down. I guess he was right. But whatever it was, it didn't feel like good news.

Charlottes PoV

I'm sorry Charlotte.
"Jenny, what are you sorry for?"
I could feel my foxes sorrow, knowing she was failing our child.
I only needed to manage a little longer. I could have saved him.
"Jenny, you've given him the best possible chance he could have. Don't apologise"
She sighed and retreated to the back of my mind.
I was in complete darkness. All I knew was that Jenny couldn't keep it up anymore and was no longer protecting our child.
The thought of loosing him was like a stabbing pain in my heart.
Wait no the pain is in my stomach?
No, further down?
Ah Jeez it hurts!

I heard screams. Ear piercing screams. I tried to force my eyes open, wincing at the bright light. I need to wake up.

Sorry it's been a while since I updated! The book is nearly finished.
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