Chapter 11

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Adam's PoV
I woke up feeling the happiest I have ever been. Memories of last nights amazing events set in and I grinned. I loved this girl. My soon to be Luna.
I looked at Charlotte and I could tell she was still fast asleep. I rolled out of bed silently and crept downstairs to make her breakfast. Once I had fried the bacon I placed it on some pieces of toast before putting it all on a tray and taking it up to my baby.
I pushed open the door gently and made my way towards the bed. Charlotte was facing the other way so I sat next to her and called her name softly to wake her up.
Charlotte rolled over to face me and i noticed her teary eyes.
"Charlotte what's wrong baby? Are you okay?"
She sniffled and sat up to embrace me in a hug. We sat there quietly for a few moments before I broke the silence.
"Charlotte, talk to me, what's the matter?" I whispered softly.
She pulled back and looked me in the eye. "I thought you'd left me. After last night I couldn't shake the feeling that you had got what you wanted and didn't need me anymore."
I pressed my lips gently against hers, preventing her from continuing.
"I would never do that to you Charlie" she grinned at my nickname for her. "I meant what I said to you last night. I love you"
This seemed to cheer her up. She leaned forwards and grabbed one of the toasted bacon sandwiches. "Mmmm is this for me?" She asked. Before I could even tell her it was she took a huge bite and mumbled "it is now"
I just laughed at her.
While we ate I mind linked my sister.
Hey Brooke. Do you fancy hanging with Charlotte today. I want to set up a proper first date for us before I introduce her to the whole pack as Luna
There was a short pause before she responded to me
Sure bro, I'm sure we will think of something to do.
Once we had finished breakfast I explained that I had to do some pack work but I would be back later.
She didn't seem to want me to go but she agreed and kissed me goodbye.

As soon as I was out of the room I called for Liam to meet me in my office to help me organise my plan.

Charlotte's PoV
I got dressed after Adam left and stood in the middle of the room wondering what to do with my whole day.
There was a knock on my bedroom door and I opened it to find Brooke behind the door. I hadn't really seen her since our slight argument at the mall.
"Um hey" I greeted.
"Hi. My brother said you might want some company while he's busy today." She explained
I nodded and we quietly stalled to the living room.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked
She paused for a moment thinking until she seemed to have an idea.
"Why don't we go for a walk" she suggested "in the woods"
Jenny took this moment to put forwards her opinion.
We shouldn't. I can feel it. Stay here, please. We can each a movie or something.
Though I hadn't known her that long, I trust my fox with my life.
"I don't feel like it. Let just watch a movie"
I sat down on the couch and flicked the tv on.
"If that's what you want that's what we will do" Brooke smiled sweetly but I felt like she was being sarcastic.
We sat watching multiple Disney movies, from Frozen to the Lion King to Cinderella. I love Disney but we had been sat in this room for most of the day, barley speaking to each other and I don't know how much longer I could take it.
Just as I was debating going finding Adam, Lulu (Liam's mate) strolled into the kitchen. I sighed in relief and wandered in to see her.
She smiled as soon as she saw me.
"Hey Charlotte. You okay?" She asked me as she grabbed a glass and filled it with water.
"Yeah, just bored" I nodded my head towards the living room where Brooke was playing on her phone rather than watching the movie.
Lulu rolled her eyes and chuckled. "She can be odd that girl" she whispered so quietly I almost didn't catch it.
Suddenly her eyes widened and she grinned widely at me. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.
"I have had an amazing idea" she squealed at me. "Let's give each other a makeover. Impress our mates when they come back from work"
I thought about it for a moment before agreeing. I have nothing better to do.
We rushed up the stairs of the pack house into Lulu's room, leaving Brooke downstairs.
Lulu pulled out a drawer full of makeup.
I felt slightly embarrassed. "I've never really bothered with makeup before. I was the Tom boy, always training to fight."
Lulu pulled more out and sat me on a chair.
"Don't worry, I'll sort us both out."
She put blobs of foundation all over my face and gave me a blender to blend it in while she did the same to herself.
We spent about and hour concealing and contouring and highlighting and Lulu showed me how to do it all. She finally finished of with a glossy light pink lipstick for me and red for herself. I looked in the mirror and even if I do say so myself, we did look good.
Lulu then started routing through her wardrobe. After a couple of minutes she reappeared with two dresses. She handed me a dusty pink coloured dress and told me to go and try it on in her bathroom.
It was beautiful. It hugged my sides and came low enough to show a small amount of cleavage but was still classy. It came down to my mid thigh and a small slit on the right side gave it some character. It matched my lips and eyeshadow, like Lulu had planned the outfit from the beginning.
Lulu came into the bathroom looking stunning herself. She had on a red strappy top matched with a small black skirt. She honestly looked amazing.
"Come on" she smiled. " Our mates are here"

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