Chapter 7

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As soon as we arrived Brooke handed me a bank card.
"It's Adam's and you know, well what's his is yours and vice versa"
I shook my head. "I can't let him pay"
She frowned. "Please. Do you know how much trouble I'll be in if you don't use this card."
I sighed. I guess if he wants me to use it I could. It still didn't feel right though.

We had been shopping for about four hours and I was exhausted and starving. My body was aching slightly from the other day.
"How about we go to the food court?" I offered.
"That's a great idea. I'm starving" Brooke said.
I looked at the guards who were carrying all our bags and I instantly felt bad. You could barely see them behind our bags.
I rushed over to them "here let me help"
"No luna, it's fine, we can manage" one insisted.
"Yes we don't mind honestly" another chipped in.
I realised I didn't even know their names and I felt so guilty.
"Okay well why don't you go and put them in the car and we will order the food for us all.
The guards all frowned.
"We aren't supposed to leave you Luna"
I was about to give up and let them carry the bags if they wanted too when Brooke chimes in.
"What is honestly going to happen" Brooke piped up. "Why is everyone so bothered. We're only at the mall!"
"We're fine carrying the bags" they insisted again.
"No, go and put them in the car like your Luna ordered. You don't want to disrespect her do you?" Brooke accused.
They all look stuck for a moment before they spun around and rushed to the car.
"You didn't need to be so harsh" I said. "They were only following Adams orders.
"Well Adam's orders are stupid" she accused before storming off to the food court.
My wolf... I mean fox was on edge. I think she was starting to get as irritated by Brooke as I was. She was just so.. so pushy.
We went to good old Mc Donald's and grabbed  3 boxes of 20 chicken nuggets to share and a few boxes of chips. We found a large table and sat down to wait for the guards.
I was silent as I was still slightly mad at Brooke for making the guards leave us when they clearly didn't want to.
I looked all around the hall, just avoiding her eye contact. I notice a guy upstairs leaning on the balcony staring at us. Looking closer I realised I recognised him. It was Alpha Robert's Beta, John. I stiffened as he just grinned at me.
I realised how vulnerable we actually were in this place. I shifted uncomfortably willing the guards to come back.
I couldn't tell Brooke because he would definitely hear me, and that would most likely cause a problem.
I kept an eye on him while nervously shovelling chicken nuggets into my mouth. Finally I saw the guards returning.
I grabbed the remaining food and made a bee line for the guards.
"I want to go home please"
"Are you ok Luna?" They sensed my nerves.
I nodded hurriedly and glanced back to where John was. He wasn't there anymore which made my heart race. He wouldn't try and kill me in a public place would he?
Brooke came over. "What is going on"
"We're going back" a guard replied.
Brooke frowned. "Why. We haven't even eaten yet."
"Because I want to" I frowned.
"Well there's more than just you here" Brooke shot back. "Maybe some of us aren't ready to go yet!"
"Brooke I am leaving with or without you and the guards have to come with me. We can just leave you on your own" I growled back.
That was a bit harsh but I desperately needed to get out of here.
I scanned the room again but there was still no sign of John anywhere. 
Two of the guards set of walking to the cars and I followed. The other two followed behind me. I felt like I could really trust these guys. They could tell something was wrong and without even questioning it they made sure I was safe. We reached the cars. I climbed into the back while the others piled in around me. I could see John again. He was just standing at the entrance to the mall. He stood and watched us drive away. It gave the the chills.

Adam's PoV
Matt, one of the guards with Charlotte just mind-linked me. He said they were on their way home because Charlotte started to act funny and was desperate to come home. He said she seemed on edge but didn't say why. He also said there seemed to be tension between her and my sister Brooke.
My wolf was going crazy thinking there was something was wrong with my mate. I heard them pull up and rushed out of my office. On the way to the driveway I bumped into someone else in the doorway who was also running. Sparks told me it was Charlotte. She bounced off me and went flying backwards before I grabbed her arms to stop her from falling.
I noticed tears were running down her face.
"Charlotte, what's wrong?" I asked, frantically checking her for injuries.
She pulled out of my arms and walked towards the stairs, trying to stifle her sobs. Brooke stormed in a few seconds later.
"What happened" I asked her.
"Ugh she just started being a stroppy bitch" She grumbled.
I growled. "Don't you dare disrespect my mate"
I turned away and went to my room to make sure she was alright.
Hey guys, hope you're enjoying it so far! Remember to vote and comment :)
Also for some reason I keep accidentally calling Brooke (Adams sister) Emily so if you read Emily somewhere don't be confused, I mean Brooke
Thanks for reading guys xx

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