Chapter 9

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Charlotte's PoV
When I woke up, Adam was gone. The bed felt cold and my neck was slightly sore.
OMG! He marked me!
"Are you up" a deep voice rang in my head. I smiled that we could communicate like this now.
"Yes. Where are you"
"Come downstairs"
I was wearing his shirt and joggers again because they were comfy to sleep in and I decided not to bother getting changed.
I wandered down the stairs following He scent of my mate. Everyone I passed, even people I hadn't met, bowed their heads as I passed.
I found Adam I the kitchen cooking pancakes and waffles. Brooke was sat at the table already eating.
"Hey, um, I'm sorry if I was pushy yesterday. I just love shopping and get a bit excited sometimes" Brooke started apologising.
"It's fine" I said before hugging Adam from behind.
"Hi gorgeous"
"Hey handsome"
He put the pan down and turned around giving me a kiss. He nibbles on my bottom lip and the kiss started to get a bit heated.
"Guys. I'm eating" Brooke moaned.
Liam walked in with a pretty girl laughing and chatting. They looked so in love.
Adam turned back to the breakfast so I went over to the others.
We all sat around one end of the large table.
"Hey Charlotte, this is my mate Lulu." Liam introduced.
"Hey" me and Lulu said at the same time and burst out laughing.
Liam looked amused until his eyes fixed on my neck.
At first I wondered what he was staring at and then I remembered Adam marked me. My face heated up as Liam's mouth fell open and he pointed at my mark.
Lulu slapped his hand away "don't point at her, it's rude" she giggled.
Liam's shocked face turned into a huge grin and he leaned over the table and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you guys. You make a good couple" he whispered.
At that moment Adam came over with two plates filled with pancakes and waffles.
He looked at Liam who was still hugging me. "Is there something I need to know?"
Liam pulled away and grinned. "Nope" He said but he kept raising an eyebrow in a suggestive way and looking between me and Adam. Adam seemed to catch on because he shook his head and gave me and Lulu our breakfast.
He went back to the counter and returned with plates for him and Liam.
"So, what are we doing today?" I asked and then shoved half a waffle into my mouth.
"Well I don't have any work that needs doing so I'm free" all day Adam said.
I want to run free Jenny piped up. I hadn't spoken to her for a while.
"My er Fox wants to run"
Adam nodded his head "we will go after breakfast."
I looked at Liam and LuLu "do you guys want to come?"
As soon as I asked Adams face dropped. I placed my hand on his leg. He looked at me and I narrowed my eyes trying to tell him not to be rude and we could spend time together later.
"Sure we will come" Liam chirped happily, clearly oblivious to Adam.
Adam coughed and seem really tense. I looked at him again.
"Are you ok?"
"I.. er" he stuttered and looked down.
Then I noticed my hand was actually quite high up his leg and little Adam liked it.
I felt my face heat up and turn violet and quickly moved my hand away.
He got up and walked away, muttering something about cold water.
Liam, Lulu and I finished eating and cleared away the plates.
We went and stood in the front yard waiting for Adam and I told them what happened at the table. They were both laughing hysterically and I swear Liam nearly wet himself.
Adam finally appeared and we all stayed silent, trying to stifle laughter as we walked into the woods to shift.

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