Chapter 31

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Charlottes PoV

I managed to open my eyes, using my hand to block out the bright light.
There were multiple doctors in the room rushing around, muttering things to each other.
I felt physically sick. The room was spinning and everything hurt.
I felt bile rushing up my throat and I managed to roll onto my side to avoid puking on the bed.
I threw my self back to lie flat as another wave of pain hit me.
Jenny wasn't talking to me. I don't know if it was the pain or sorrow, but she had retreated right to the back of my mind.
I could feel my eyes drooping. I had to stay awake. I need to see if he's ok.
I fought it for as long as I could but my eyes were to heavy.
Just as I let myself close them, tiny cries filled the room.
It was like music to my ears.
At that point I let the exhaustion take over and blacked out.

Adams PoV
I looked up when I heard it. Little cries. From a baby.
Without a second thought I ran through the corridor looking for Charlotte and my child.
I nearly bumped into a nurse carrying something.
I apologised and kept running.
"Alpha"  she called after me "stop"
At first I ignored her, desperately searching for Charlotte and my child but my wolf made me stop.
And then it dawned on me.
The nurse was holding my child.
I walked back up to her in disbelief, looking at my baby boy wrapped up in a towel. He was no longer crying but he was clearly unhappy.
I held my arms out and she passed him to me.
I bounced him in my arms and he stopped pulling strange faces and smiled. He was definitely smiling.
In that moment I was truly happy.
My wolf urged me to go and see our mate.
I looked at the nurse and before I even opened my mouth she pointed to Charlottes room.

I entered her room to find her still unconscious.
"Her body and mind is exhausted. She should be awake soon" the doctor assured me.
I nodded and sat beside her bed. Still holding our baby.
Still cradling him in my arms I lifted him up slightly so he could see Charlotte.
"This is your mama" I told him with a huge grin on my face.
She was going to be a great mum. When she woke up.

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