Chapter 10

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I shifted on the spot as my clothes didn't shred while the others all went behind a tree each to take off their clothes and shift. The perks of being a fox.
A large black wolf came bounding towards me with a cute wolffish grin on his face.
Hey babe Adam said in my mind as he nuzzled my face. I licked his snout in return.
Liam and Lulu came trotting out of the woods. Liam was a large blonde wolf while Lulu was smaller brown wolf.
They stood next to us and I realised how small my fox was in comparison to their wolves.
We may be smaller but watch this Jenny's voice said mischievously. I felt her push for control and I let her have it. The moment I did she barked at the three wolves and took off running. They immediately chased her. We all darted through the woods, dodging trees. We came into a clearing and Jenny took the opportunity to look back at the others. They were quite far behind with Adam in the lead. Jenny slowed to a walk and as Adam caught up he playfully pounced. Jenny set off so fast that Adam fell on his face. We were running so quickly now and looking behind us watching the others get further and further away.
Then, all of a sudden we came crashing to a stop with a loud bang.
Adam's PoV
She was so far ahead I don't think I would have been able to see her without my werewolf vision. As an Alpha it hurt my pride slightly that my mate was so much faster than me, but at the same time I was so proud of her amazing fox abilities. I saw her turn back and check how far behind she was as she continued running.
Before either of us knew what was happening she charged straight into a tree.
Fear coursed through my body. The speed she was going that has got to hurt.
The tree started to lean slowly until it fell and crashed loudly to the floor.
I pushed myself faster to reach my mate.
As I got closer I saw Charlotte push herself to her feet and shake the dust off herself. I skidded to a stop next to her, checking her over frantically for injuries.
She noticed my concern and licked my snout again trying to calm me.
I couldn't believe she ran into a tree so hard it fell down and she didn't even have a scratch.
Eventually Liam and Lulu caught up, looking as shocked as me.
Charlotte stretched and trotted off towards a small pond near us to have a drink, leaving us stood there dumbfounded.

We finally got back to the pack house. I had insisted that we went no faster that a trot just in case she was injured.
Charlotte shifted on the spot and walked straight into the house. We found our original trees and changed back into our clothes before following.
"Man" Liam laughed. "If she can do that to a tree and come out unharmed, imagine what she could do to us"
I smiled for a moment at the pure strength of my mate.
It reminded me of the note we got when she first arrived

Don't you know she could destroy you if she knew how to harness her full powers?

I could almost understand why people were so scared of them. I could already see how much stronger a fox is compared to a wolf. But it was still no excuse. I would protect my mate at all costs.
Charlotte and I returned to our room. She jumped into the shower after our run and I lay on the bed on my phone.
After a while Charlotte reappeared, only wearing one of my shirts. I loved how she always slept in my clothes, although she normally wore my joggers as well as a top. I guess she was more comfortable and I didn't mind at all.
"Hmm" she replied, busy brushing her hair.
"I was wondering if you wanted to meet the pack and, you know, officially become their Luna? I mean it's fine if it's too soon or you don't even want to"
My heart sank at the thought of her not wanting to. I don't even know what we would do if she said no. I guess we would have to leave the pack? Or I would carry on like I am now? But all my options left my pack weaker than it should be.
"Adam!!" Charlotte yelled.
My eyes snapped to her amused face.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Erm, I feel like no is always the wrong answer to that question"
She just laughed and shook her head.
"I said yes. Of course I will"
I stood up and kissed her. I was so lucky to have this girl in my life. "I love you" I blurted out and instantly regretted it. I should have saved that for a special moment.
"I love you too" she replied and kissed me again. She leaned backwards, falling onto the bed and pulling me on top of her and deepened our kiss.
Let's just say it didn't end there...

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