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5 Years Later

Charlottes PoV

"Adam! Where are we going?" I laughed.
I was currently blindfolded and being led by Adam. I could tell we had walked out of the pack house from the cool breeze that hit my shoulders.
"You'll see. Just be patient." He laughed.
I sighed dramatically, but kept on following him.
After only a short walk we came to a halt.
"Hold out your hands" Adam instructed.
I obliged and held my hands out flat in front of me.
He placed a cold metal object in my hands and closed my fingers around it.
He then moved behind me and untied my blindfold.
I blinked as the sun shone in my eyes and let them adjust.
In front of me was a cute little house all painted white. There were steps onto cute decking around the front of the house with a bench near the front door.
I looked down in my hands and realised Adam had given me a key.
I turned round to face him, wide eyed and he grinned back at me.
"Is it.. is it ours?" I asked.
He smiled and nodded. "I built it for us.
My mouth dropped open in disbelief. How had he disappeared for long enough to build an entire house without me noticing.
"Well you've got better at hiding things from me than last time." I joked.
He shook his head and picked me up bridal style.
"I have to carry you over the threshold don't I?"
Once we stepped inside he placed me down and kissed me passionately.
Then he bent down to my slightly round stomach and cupped it in his hands.
"I can't wait to meet you" he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my stomach.
We had just found out that I was pregnant again. This time with a little girl. Chances are she would be a wolf as having two fox shifter children is highly unlikely.
Asher was doing well. The doctors had run many tests on him but he was confirmed to be completely deaf.
We weren't really sure why as it's almost unheard of for shifter to be deaf from birth. The doctors think that it may be an effect from the wolfsbane he was exposed to before he was born.
Amazingly, being deaf had made the rest of his senses develop much faster and much stronger than everyone else. He was very aware of his surroundings, even without being able to hear. He would know someone was approaching him before he saw them. And these abilities were getting stronger the older he got.
He could also mind link us already. Which meant we could easily communicate with him. We had begun to learn sign language, but you have to be looking at someone to speak to them that way. Mind linking meant we could talk to him even in another room.
Again, no one could understand why he could mind link so early on in life, but the pack doctors were trained to treat wolves, not foxes.
At first, Adam and I had been worried about a deaf child becoming alpha one day. We weren't sure how he would manage. But now we have no doubts. He so strong already compared to children his age. And being deaf wasn't holding him back in any way. It seemed to make him stronger.

Mine and Adams mate bond had only grown stronger. We hardly disagreed anymore and our pack had become one of the strongest in the world. We were very well respected.
I was so proud of my family and I can't wait for the newest edition to arrive.
Adam stood back up and trailed kisses up my neck.
I groaned and ran my fingers through his hair, making him moan against my lips.
"I think we need to christen this new house" Adam whispered in my ear. I shuddered and agreed with him.
And let's just say we christened each room that night.


That's it! The end of this book!
Thanks so much for reading my first ever book. Let me know if you would like to see a sequel. It would be Asher as the main Character next time!
Thanks again

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