Chapter 13

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Charlotte's PoV
I opened my eyes the next morning. Adam wasn't in bed but there was a note on the bedside drawers.
I'm just catching up on some work this morning. I won't be long xxx
I sat up and jumped in the shower. I stood in there for ages letting the hot water relax my muscles.
Once I had washed my hair, I climbed out, got dressed and dried my hair. As my stomach grumbled I decided to get some breakfast.
Half way down the stairs I heard screams outside.
I rushed downstairs to see people running everywhere, screaming.
I could see outside some wolves from my old pack. I stiffened.
Charlotte! Where are you?
Adam basically screamed in my head.
I could see him in front of me ordering people about so I rushed to him.
"I'm here. What's happening"
He glanced at me before grabbing my hand and trying to pull me inside.
"Your old pack are here. Saying they want you dead or they will attack my pack. You need to get to the safe room with women and children until they are gone."
I pulled my hand out of his and shook my head.
"I'm not hiding."
Adam glared at me. "Yes you are. They are here for you"
"Adam, the safe room is optional. And if they are here for me wouldn't that put everyone else in there in more danger?"
He didn't reply but anger was apparent on his face. He knew I was right.
I turned away and rushed into the madness. I grabbed unaccompanied children and brought them to the safe room before going back for more.
Soon everyone was safe apart from those who wanted to fight.
Adam took my hand and we walked outside to meet my old pack.
My old beta stepped forward. I guess alpha Robert didn't bother coming.
"There you are. Ready to sacrifice yourself yet?"
"Never. I'm not ashamed of what I am. And I have found a pack that welcomed me with open arms, knowing exactly what I am."
He laughed at me making me so angry. "We aren't here for a fight so your pathetic guards can stand down." He smirked. "We don't need to fight."
I saw him reach behind his back for something. I didn't know what was happening but Jenny took over my body.
"RUN" she ordered to my pack.
Immediately they started running to the pack house, unable to refuse my command.
Adam didn't move so Jenny pushed him so hard he flew backwards half way to the pack house. Not a moment later I felt something hit my back and it exploded.
I collapsed to the ground and watched as my old pack ran off before my eyes shut.

Adams PoV
Before I knew what was happening she shoved me so hard it knocked my flying.
Just as I hit the floor I saw what he did. The beta pulled out a wolfsbane bomb and launched it at Charlotte. I couldn't do anything. It hit her back and exploded, releasing the dangerous wolfsbane toxin all over her.
She collapsed to the floor and her pack retreated, knowing she was dead. No wolf could survive that amount of wolfsbane.
I managed to push myself to my feet and ran to her, tears streaming down my face.
When I reached her, I could hear shallow breaths. What? She's alive? How?
"I need the doctor now" I screamed
I carefully picked her up, ignoring the powerful sting from the wolfsbane as it touched my arms.
I ran to the pack doctors office and he immediately took over. He whisked her into another room, leaving me with instructions to wash my arms immediately.

I sat in the waiting room staring at my arms. They were covered in blisters, like a serious burn, but they were already healing. It still hurt like hell though. I can't imagine how much pain Charlotte is in. That amount of wolfsbane should have killed her on the spot.
The way she got the pack out of the way, I was proud of her but also mad. She could have run. Maybe got away. But she didn't.
The doctor came in and smiled at me. That's good news right?
"Alpha" he bowed his head "The Luna is doing fine. She just passed out from the pain but there seems to be no damage. Her skin has already completely healed. Almost like it never blistered. I don't think wolfsbane is lethal to foxes like it is wolves. Don't get me wrong it's still painful for her, but I don't think it can be used to kill her"
I was shocked. My mate was immune to the deadliest thing to wolves.
"That's good though. Her pack obviously don't know that. And they think she is dead."
The doctor nodded. "You can go and see her now"
I walked past the doctor and into charlotte's room. I sat next to her and took hold of her hand.
Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me and smiled.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
She nodded. "Is the pack okay ? Are you okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah. I guess you saved us all." I frowned "why didn't you save yourself? You could have run with the pack and they would t have hit you."
She shook her head. "They had more than one of those things. They had to just get me. Otherwise I think they would have gone for us all"
I nodded. I guess I understood. I hugged her and thanked the moon goddess that she was still alive.
My wolf was still on edge. He didn't know if he should be proud that she saved our pack or angry that she would sacrifice herself for us.
I ignored him. If her pack think she's dead, we have an advantage. I need a plan.

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