Chapter 32

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Charlottes PoV

Charlotte... come on Charlotte... we have to get up now.
Jenny soothing whispered to me in my head, trying to get me up.
I pushed my eyes open to find myself in a hospital bed once again. I'd had enough of being here.
Then it all came back to me. The pain, the dizziness, and tiny cries I heard before I passed out.
I sat up frantically in the bed desperately looking around the room.
My eyes met Adams which were full of tears. My heart immediately sank.
"Where is he? Is he ok?" I cried desperately, grabbing Adams arms.
He moved to one side and I realised there was a cot behind him. And our little baby was in it.
Adam grinned and out his finger to his lips, "sshhh, you'll wake him"
The relief that flooded through me as he said those words was unbelievable. Jenny barked happily in my head.
I flung the covers off me and tried to stand.
Instead of stopping me, Adam held his arms out to help me.
I stumbled out of bed and made my way to our child, ignoring the slight headache I had.
I leaned over to look at our baby. He was so beautiful.
"Adam, I'm so happy right now" I whispered.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "Me to my love, me too."
We stood in silence for a moment just watching him sleep. Appreciating how lucky were were in this moment.
"Asher" I whispered.
Adam looked at me, confused.
"His name" I continued, "it means happy."
A grin made its way onto Adams face as he hugged me tighter.
"I like it"

Authors Note!
Hi Guys,
Thanks so much for reading. I know I've not written anything for a while. I've been super busy, but there is still more to come for this book! I will keep updating :)

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