Chapter 28

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Adams PoV

I woke up to the sound of Charlotte throwing up in the bathroom again. It was a regular occurrence.
Waking up, eating, the simplest of things sent her running to the bathroom to empty her stomach. Whilst the baby bump grew bigger, Charlotte got thinner.
I walked into the bathroom to comfort her. She was leaning against the cupboard next to the toilet with her eyes shut. She was so pale and had huge bags under her eyes.
I was starting to get worried about her.
"I've finished" she whispered, still with her eyes closed.
I picked her up and carried her back to the bed.
Leaving her lying down, I rushed down stairs to get her some water and toast. She seemed to be able to keep bland food down better than anything else.
Liam was in the kitchen, eating as usual.
He smiled as I entered. "How is she"
I shrugged. "She's managing, just I think"
"Look, I hate to ask but I need you to come and look at some paper work. The past few months you've been a bit absent and-"
I growled in annoyance. "I've been taking care of your Luna. Your my beta because your supposed to take care of the pack in my absence"
Liam held his hands up in defence. "I just want you to cast your eyes over a few things. Figured you'd have more time now than when the baby arrives. You'll either be busy with a newborn or busy getting yourself and your mate over the trauma of loosing him."
I glared at him for being so blunt. But as I thought about it he was right. There was only a month left until he was due and after he was born it would be chaotic, no matter which way it went.
"Fine, I can come this afternoon for a couple of hours."
I grabbed Charlotte's toast and made my way back upstairs to tell her.

Charlottes PoV

I felt uneasy, like something wasn't right. My head was pounding and my stomach rumbled with hunger.
As if on cue Adam appeared with a pile of toast.
I smiled. "I hope your going to help me eat all that!"
I pushed myself up in bed and took the plate.
"I planned to babe but somethings come up. Liam needs my help this morning"
My heart sank but I didn't let it show.
"Of course. He's done so much alone lately it wouldn't hurt to drop in"
He forced a smile and held my hand. "Will you be alright? I'll only be gone a few hours."
I nodded and kissed him goodbye.
"Ring me if you need anything, I mean anything, at all. Promise?"
"I promise. Go on. The sooner you go the sooner you can come back!"
He smiled and kissed my forehead once more before leaving.

I ate as much as I could and put the rest on the side. Being on bed rest was so boring. I wanted to go for a walk, see my friends, the pack or even just speak to my fox. I couldn't even do that.
I literally just stared at the ceiling waiting for Adam to come home. I sulked at being alone, and I still had a headache which made it even worse.
I lay there for what felt like hours and I started to get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
I tried to ignore it but my mind was whirling with all the terrible things it could be.
I was about to ring Adam when I felt it. My baby kicked.
I gasped and out my hands to my stomach. Sure enough I felt it again.
The panic subsided and I started to cry uncontrollably. It was such a special moment. It filled me with so much hope for our little boy.
At that moment Adam arrived home. He came straight upstairs to check on me. He saw me crying my eyes out and instantly came and hugged me, asking what was wrong.
"He's moving" I cried happily.
Adams face was a mixture of disbelief and joy as he slowly moved his hands to my stomach.
Sure enough after a few moments we felt the slight movement again.
I grinned at Adam and he leaned down and kissed me.
I just prayed to the moon goddess that this was a good sign.

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