Chapter 22

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Charlottes PoV
The doctor had discharged me and I was feeling much better already. There was still some slight bruising to my shoulder but I had pretty much healed thanks to my fox.
I was in the shower while Adam was downstairs making pancakes.
After washing I dried myself, out on some comfy clothes and wrapped my hair in a towel to dry. The smell of Adams cooking wafted into the room so I rushed down the stairs to find him plating up the food.
He grinned when he saw me and we sat down and ate. We were pretty much in silence as we both devoured our breakfast like animals.
Once we finished I took the plates to clear up since he made breakfast. As I was putting the plates in the sink, Adam started to put away the ingredients that were all over the kitchen. He was not a tidy cook at all.
"Charlotte" Adam called me.
As I turned around, he took a deep breath and blew a pile of flour in his hand all over me.
"I'm going to need another shower!" I complained.
He just laughed and carried on clearing up.
Grabbing an egg of the counter I smirked wickedly and launched it at his back. Of course it broke and splashed all down the back of his top.
He growled playfully before filling a cup with water and throwing the contents at me. This made the flour already on me all sticky.
It led to a huge food fight in our kitchen.
Flour, milk and eggs all over the kitchen.
The last egg sat in the carton on the counter. We both dived for it at the same time, but thanks to my fox speed I got there first.
Adam however grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head.
I squealed and dropped the egg on the floor.
We were both breathing heavily and I noticed our close proximity. From the dark colour of Adams eyes he was aware of it to.
He leaned forwards and kissed me. I ran my hands up his back and through his hair. He groaned and nibbled my lip. I gave him entrance and the kiss got quite heated.
He pulled back and looked at me, his eyes black.

"I want to take you on a proper date" he said. "We've been together months and only had one. Now there's no threat, I want to treat you like my princess"
I blushed and hid my face in his chest. "I'd like that" I mumbled
"But first you need a shower. You stink." He joked. I looked at us both, covered from head to toe in pancake ingredients.
I glared at him. "Well, for that I won't let you join me" I huffed. His face immediately fell.
"Aw come on" he pleaded, giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn he's better at that than me.
"Fine. You can come" I laughed at him.
He smiled triumphantly. "You don't have to tell me twice!" He picked me up and basically ran up the stairs.
Let's just say thing got a bit more heated up there than they did in the kitchen.

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