Chapter 39

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Adams PoV

My fist collided with alpha Roberts face once again. He groaned and dropped to the ground, spitting out blood.
Coming down here and beating him was becoming a regular occurrence. Each time I was slightly irritated, I came here and took it out in him.
At this point he was half dead, but I wasn't quite ready to get rid of my punching bag.
As he spluttered on the floor I delivered swift kicks to his stomach.
Each time my foot collided with him he let out a groan.
All of a sudden a short, sharp gasp interrupted me.
I swung around, angry that someone had followed me down here. I'd left Liam with strict instructions that no one was to come down here, especially whilst I was dealing with him.
My eyes met the wide teary eyes of my mate and my whole body froze.
Feelings of guilt and shame immediately washed over me and I took a step towards her.
She held her hand up and I automatically stopped.
Without a word, she turned away and hurried up the stairs.
Well shit....

Charlottes PoV

The scene unfolding before me was not what I expected. My heart stopped as I realised Adam was literally beating the life out out someone. They lay on the floor groaning in pain, covered in blood. They looked like they had been tortured for days... weeks even.
Then, as I examined the figure on the ground, I realised who it was.
I gasped in disbelief and Adam immediately swung around to face me.
He looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
I felt my eyes brimming with tears.
He lied to me. He's been sneaking off these past few weeks to torture a man that he had assured me was dead.
I couldn't sleep at night, not knowing for absolute definite that alpha Roberts was dead because Adam wouldn't tell me where his body ended up.
Well now it all made sense.
The man who chased me out of my pack, poisoned me, attempted to abuse me and tried to kill both me and my mate had been living in the same house as me. Right under my nose for the past few weeks.
And not only that. But the thought that Adam was cheating on my had haunted me.
Adam took a step towards me but I held my hand up, signalling him to not come any closer.
I don't want to hear his apology. His excuses.
I turned away from him and rushed up the stairs, only letting the tears fall when he couldn't see me.
I passed Liam, still in the kitchen. He didn't dare look at me.
I rushed through the whole house, and into our bedroom. I locked myself in our bathroom and sat on the floor.
How could he.

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