Chapter 18

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Adams PoV
"I, Alpha Adam, formally exile you from this pack. Now leave my territory."
I watched my best tracker shift and run into the woods and his pack link broke.
He was going to Alpha Roberts land to see where they were keeping Charlotte and help us form a plan of attack. As a rogue now, they wouldn't suspect us when they found out. They would just think a random rogue had been on their land. As my best tracker he should easily be able to tell where Charlotte was but also where everyone else was and therefore not be caught.
I would accept him back into the pack once he returned. Now we just had to wait.

Charlottes PoV
I watched the door open again but it wasn't the pack doctor that greeted me. This time it was Alpha Roberts himself. He strolled down the stairs with a smirk on his face. I growled lowly.

"Ah ah ah, lets have none of that now." He warned. I do desperately wanted to smack the smirk of his evil face. "The wolfsbane seems to have weakened you. It took long enough." He seemed amused. I continued to glare at him but he ignored me.
"So know we know how much you can handle, I want more of you, but as wolves in my pack." He continued
I frowned at him, completely confused.
His smirk only grew wider at my puzzled face. He leaned down and put his lips closer to my ear.
"That means we will have babies love. Werewolves with alpha genes and immunity to wolfsbane. How good does that sound? My pack will be unstoppable."

I froze. I felt completely sick. Have his babies. Jenny was furious at the idea, fighting to come out but I couldn't let her. He can't know that we're stronger than he thinks.
"I just have one question. What if they're a fox like me. You can't guarantee they'll be a werewolf." I knew he hated fox shifters, so surely he wouldn't want to be related to one?
He just shrugged.
"If it's a fox when it shifts, I'll kill it. They won't get away like you tried. I'll be ready for them."
If I felt sick before, I felt worse now. Not only was he going to force me to have his children, but he would kill them if they were like me."

He stated to approach me and Jenny growled loudly.
"Oh shush love" he laughed.
I tried to fight the restraints but he grabbed my wrists immediately.
All of a sudden he jolted backwards.
"Shit!" He cursed looking at his hands. "Your like wolfsbane to touch.
I gasped. They must have given me so much that it's absorbed into my skin. I grinned. If I had wolfsbane in my system, they couldn't touch me. However if I didn't have any wolfsbane in my system, I would be able to fight back.
He must have realised to as he was just staring at me with anger apparent in his eyes. I've just ruined his plan, that should buy Adam some time.
At that moment one of the guards came down the stairs.
"Alpha, there's a rogue on the territory" he bowed at his Alpha.
"What else can fucking go wrong!?" Roberts roared and stormed out of the room.
Now I just had to get out.

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