Chapter 12

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Adam's PoV
We are approaching the pack house. Liam has told Lulu to join the girls and asked if it was possible to get Charlotte to dress up without telling her. Lulu had reassured us that it would be no problem.
The girls appeared and Liam's eyes immediately turned a dark black shade.
"Excuse me Alpha. I have to go take care of my mate"
I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he meant by that.
Then my eyes landed on Charlotte. She looked absolutely stunning. Her dress hugged her sides and showed enough skin to be sexy without overdoing it.
I had to compose myself for a moment, remembering that we had a date and I couldn't skip straight to the part in the bedroom, though my wolf had other ideas.
Charlotte walked towards me grinning and as she reached me she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and reached up to kiss me.
I kissed her back slowly before pulling away after a few seconds.
"Come on Charlotte, I've panned a date for us"
Her face seemed shocked but soon turned into happiness as I led her towards the car.

Charlotte's PoV
We hadn't been driving long when the car came to a stop. Adam climbed out of the car and used his werewolf speed to reach the other side so he could open my door and help me out.
I smiled at how cute he was being.
Looking around I saw we were at the sea. I didn't even know Adams house was near the coast. I noticed there wasn't much of a beach so there weren't many other people around, just a wooden path into the sea that boats were connected to.
Adam led me towards this wooden path, I'm sure it wasn't called that but I'm not a boat expert. I walked along it carefully, watching where I put my feet so I didn't put a heel down one of the cracks.
Adam stopped walking so I finally looked up. There in front of us was a huge, white yacht. I glanced at Adam to as if he was actually serious. He leaned towards me and used his finger to push my jaw closed. I blushed slightly and he chuckled before leading me into the boat.
Once we were on it started to move, sailing into the sea and we stood at the back watching the view. Adam was fiddling with something until some soft music began to play. He took my hand and span me towards him and we began to dance slowly.
I leaned my head on his chest, wondering how long we had been dancing until my stomach rumbled. Adam heard it with his werewolf hearing and turned the music down so it was quite background noise. He rushed inside the yacht before reappearing with a picnic basket. It was so cliche but it was like a dream come true. He spread a blanket on the floor and sat down before patting the floor next to him for me to join him.
"Let's play 21 questions. I think we should get to now know each other better on our first date" Adam said and he hadn't stopped grinning this whole time.
"What's your favourite colour?" He asked "Mine is red"
"Ermm, a deep purple" I replied. "What's your favourite food?
He thought about it before answering "Pizza"
I smiled "me to!"
"My turn" he said before thinking. "Did you date before me?"
Damn this got a bit more serious
"No, I wanted to wait for my mate." I bit my lip apprehensively "did you?"
He smiled "No, I waited for you too"
"Don't people normally have this conversation before they have sex" I laughed. As soon as I had said it I blushed bright red, even Adam did.
We both laughed it off and continued asking each other questions.
It felt like we had been out for ages as the boat pulled up back near the beach. Adam climbed over the side and I flowed. I took one step and my foot slipped in these heels and I started falling.
I let out a scream and Adam turned around just as I hit his chest and we both fell to the ground, with me lay on to of him. I sat up and we both burst out laughing.
We brushed ourselves off and started walking towards the car.
Adam all of a sudden picked me up.
"Don't want you to fall again do we" he whispered in my ear.
I didn't complain. I snuggled closer to his chest enjoying the sparks between us. I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember reaching the car.

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