Teach me- part6

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Cuntou sat wide legged on the redhead's bed with a rolled blunt between the fingers of his right hand. Guanshan and his best friend had started smoking the weed they had found a few days ago, blunt after blunt, and thus spent much time in the red haired male's tiny room, the park next to the big seven-eleven and under the closest bridge of the highway (depending on wether his mom was working the night shift or not).

Guanshan didn't really like how the air he inhaled tasted, didn't really like how it scratched in his throat. What he didn't mind though was the wooziness, the looseness and carefree ambience it created within him. To sum it up, Guanshan felt content and at piece whenever the effects of it finally showed themselves.

Cuntou took a small hit, rolling it in his fingers again. Guanshan laid on the floor as he felt the smoke cover his body, consuming him. When he glanced to his hand, he saw his fingers wobble lightly.

"My mom said we are really short on cash." The redhead spoke up, ending the comfortable silence. His left hand burrowed itself in his red fiery hair, scratching his scalp. He wondered how much more he had to smoke for his heartrate to reach zero and be declared dead.

Cuntou just stared at the light brown ceiling with awe. His eyes were big and his pupils dilated. Guanshan wondered what he felt like. Was he swimming through reality or floating in his dreams?

"Yo, pass the blunt- you've had enough." When the redhead sat up and stole the blunt from in between his best friend's fingers, buzzcut was awakened from his daze and returned to the world of the living.

Buzzcut rubbed his eyes with both his hands for a good minute, moaned at the sensation and fell back onto the bed with a loud thud.

"It almost feels like our world is limited to your bedroom right now. Like nothing from outta there could hurt us. So restricted and ...lonely?"

Both then looked through the small gap the curtain didn't cover. From the window, the world seemed so small, so tranquil and light. Too easy, though they knew it wasn't.

"Safe." Guanshan retorted with a small appreciative huff. He closed his eyes to rest his mind a little bit further. Then he began speaking once more.

"My mom said that we.... that we are really damn broke right now."

"So a little job is what you gonna do?" Cuntou turned to lay on his side, facing his friend. He put his hand under his head and leaned on his elbow for support.

"Was planning on it."

"Not anymore?"

"Who'd wanna hire me?" The redhead grimaced at the open truth, ripped from him in such a vulnerable state.

"Only cause you look like you're biting into a lemon every 10 seconds doesn't mean that you really are that sour."

"Thanks." Mo Guanshan didn't even attempt to mask his bitterness as he stretched his body, long and good. His muscles ached so familiarly. He felt alive in that moment. So alive and yet so calm. He wondered if this was how babies felt in their mothers uterus. Protected and small, warm.


"If I shave off my eyebrows and die I'm forever gonna be eyebrow-less. Like my corpse would be ugly as shit and I'd never regrow them. Damn." Cuntou's gaze danced through the whole room. He looked so focused on that one spot on the ceiling that Guanshan smiled fondly.

"You're an even bigger idiot when high." The redhead mumbled softly, too quiet for his friend to catch.

"Oh, you're smiling."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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