Q&A part3

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Q1: prince he tian travel across the world to find the sleeping beauty that had been the talk among his people. It's told that 'his' beauty is one of a kind and no women could compete with his beauty. How would the prince succeed in finding the so called sleeping beauty?😂😂😂
Q2: what happened to the dick picture that he tian send to momo? Does it still exist or is it kept safely somewhere?😂😂😂
Q3: what would momo do when he's feeling horny for he tian?? (I HAVE TO ASK THIS I DONT CARE HUHU)
Q4: to what extent would he tian go for momo's love? (This is a serious question. Answer this with all the seriousness you've got like your life fully depends on this.. I have realllyyyyyyy high expectation for this answer teehee)
Q5: what is he tian's and mo guan shan's weakness?
Q6: who's most likely to have different understanding between each other?
Q7: After three years of dating, he tian realises that he had received nothing but pain from momo's attitude towards him. No matter how much he tried, momo never seems to give back the love he received. It's like momo had always hate their relationship and always keeping it to himself. Everyday he received bitter words from momo and now he's sleeping alone in an empty bed. What will he do? Will he give up or keep getting back to someone who doesn't want him? (This is soooo saddd even when I'm writing this I still feel painful 😭😭😭)
Q8: would it be any different if momo isn't like what he was? What if momo is a happy go lucky guy who's always laughing and funny from the start? Would he tian still be attracted to him? What could change now if THaT were to be the case?
Q9: if they go to the shopping mall, which store would momo enter and which store would he tian choose to forcefully pull momo in?😂😂😂
Q10: each of them gets to say what they don't like about each other. What would the reasons of each hatred be??? And how would each of them response when they hear their loves one talking about something that they hate in them? Would someone end up crying or angrily stomp out of the house?
Q11: he tian bought flowers for momo because of a mistake he made in their relationship but momo didn't want it, saying "don't beg for me, don't buy me flowers. It'll only make it worse. " what's he tian next step to ask for forgiveness?  But what if all he tian did and momo still said "I really like you but you're not meant for me. I'd rather wait all my life for someone else." (I know all of my question is weird and maybe a little hard for you to answer BUT THIS IS ALL THE QUESTION THAT I REALLY REALLY LOVE TO ASK TO YOU FOR SO LONGGGG SO PLESEEEE DO YOUR BESTTTT 😭😭😭)

A1:he tians horse was giving up. After traveling for 7 hours straight his face and hands got numb from the cold wind whipping onto his uncovered skin. He tian had been looking for this so-called beauty for more than 7 years now and two days ago while he was letting his thoughts travel it clicked in his mind.
A beauty so unique and untouched wouldn't be in a well visited part of the land. It must be in one of the wildest most dangerous and ugliest areas. This was nothing new but he had realized that he always skipped one area.
Tians horse collapsed in exhaustion as he stopped the poor animal.
He tied the rope of the horse on to a tree looking straight at the rising sun.
He was near.
He felt it.
His blood was cooking ignoring the cold.
A sudden adrenaline kick flew through him.
He ran.
And ran.
And ran.i
Till his legs gave out.
He felt his soleus (muscle in leg)  ripping in his left leg.
He fell onto the icy ground.
He was not able to move his left leg anymore.
But he must continue.
He proceeded crawling and humping.
His reward was near.
All these years he hadn't wished for anything else than this.
He had to continue.
Even when his right leg gives up.
He had to.
A few hours had passed.
And right now he was leaning on a fallen tree stump.
A break, he told himself, is everything he needed now.
His upper body laid on to the tree stump.
His breathing was shallow.
He had lost the feeling in his 14 phalanges (toe bones).
And his right calcaneus(heel bone)hurt badly.
His chances of surviving were surprisingly low.
He hadnt had eaten for almost 30 hours and his thirst was unbearable.
He was at his last.
He knew that if he now would not straighten his back and proceed walking, he'd die on that spot.
How pathetic.
A prince like him shouldn't die like this.
And what would he do if he was found and the he kingdom would be looked down at?
It would be his fault.
Now that he thought about it... why did he wished to be able to  ate with the beauty?
Was it because the stories about it were unbelievably wonderful?
Was it the mystery about it?
He always liked mysterious stories and stuff like that but in the end the real reason was ... that he was longing for someone who would like him for his qualities.
For his heroic behavior for his kindness and for his... his... for himself.
Sure many woman, even men!p, were pleading to get with him but ...it was because of his image... not because of himself.
He wished that this beauty would be thankful for the salvation of the endless sleep the beauty was put in and maybe even mire than thankful...to maybe love him for that.
His trembling and aching body reshaped itself.
He stood up, coughing sone blood.
This cold air had nearly destroyed his lungs.
He made the first step after the break.
And his second.
And his third.
He collapsed.
He stood up again.
And made his fourth step.
Quite some time elapsed.
And now he finally saw.
A tower...
That's it?
A simple tower?
The tower was not designed to be goggled at that for sure but... something about this tower made him feel a sense of accomplishment.
The door to the tower was blocked by the snow.
He formed scoops out of his hands and began shoveling it away.
His blue hands felt numb and his thin blue veins were now viseble.
The snow slowly was removed of the door step as tian slowly rose against the door and he gripped-
Oh no.
His hand would not move out of the shape they had been when he was shoveling the snow away.
They wouldn't move at all.
Feeling exasperated he kicked the door that to his suprise wasn't even locked.
He felt his right foot crack under the pressure.
He slipped in the room and closed the door swiftly.
Suprised by the luxurious furniture and rooms stretched out before him he gasped.
His lungs were filling with warm air as he breathed.
His legs started feeling better all of the sudden and he could swear that his hands were warming up.
He proceeded walking up the stairs as his numb body filled itself with life energy again.
He  let out a long and reliefed sigh and opened the door to the top room.
Only to see- a beautiful bedroom.
Full of rich and warm colors and cloth in the wall and golden furniture.
Was he dreaming?
Is this his destination?
Was his  desire coming true.
He looked through the room, feeling shocked and trembling in fear that this could be only a dream of his.
How many times had he dreamed of getting here to see the beauty and claim her as his own?
His gaze fell upon the bed.
A large piece of cloth resting on it and there in the middle he could make out a mass.
The beauty!
He stomped next to the bed sitting on the old cloth.
He lifted it to reveal...
The beauty.
So pure
So untouched
So wonderful
Like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
The beauty laid there.
It was truej
No woman ever could be more beautiful than the beauty.
The beauty was male indeed
How he secretly hoped.
Warm ginger hair
Rather short
And light eyebrows
Thick eyelashes on his cheekbones
A straight nose
Pink and well shaped lips
Plump lips
Beautiful lips
A kiss would wake the beauty up
A kiss and the beauty would be his
He tian loomed over the beauty stopping three inches away from the marvelous face to take in its beauty from close.
He tian sighed desperately
This is what he wanted
What he always wanted
It will be his bow
He will be his now
He had to be
He pushed his face to the beautys
Their noses touching
And then
They kissed
In silence
He tian moved his lips letting out a cut off sigh
It was gentle
Already loving
He tian raised his head
And was stunned by these beautiful amber eyes staring in his.
A2: guanshan kept it. Not because he liked it or anything noo he needed it in case of a black mail attempt... he at least told himself
A3: he tian would be horny 24/7 thats clear but when once in a while momo is horny... they'd have the best coitus ever
Mo guanshan would start by looking at he tian with half lided eyes
And he tian would realize that its this time again.
Honestly momos s+x drive would not be very 'common' to be this intense but when it is , its hard and rough and its a mess that the two enjoy verrrrry much.
He'd give more physical attention to he tian letting hom now that he's in the mood.
He'd be fidgety and fiddling with his fingers all the time and all this would end up with him giving tian a lap dance that would resolve into harsh fucking
A4: he tian would do everything for him.
Now you may think everything? Well that sound reasonable and i thought so too but let me speak more bout it.
There is no extent to which tian loves mo.
His love for him had started little.
But like a deserted campfire it evolved into a huge forrest fire.
But if the forrest fire remains untreated - it will infect the whole world.
And this is exactly what mo is for tian- his whole world
There's nothing else/ no one else and there won't ever be something this important to him than momo.
A5: Mo Guanshans weakness is the people he cares about.
Definitely the people he cares bout.
He of course has another weakness like- he hates being portrayed as weak and he doesn't like being told what to do, he is nOt good with humans and is not good at understanding other people's feelings but when someone threatens him with his loved ones he crumbles.
He tian is immune to most 'immortals weaknesses' but he has one grave one.
If the person he cares for is hurt or threatened he'll rip off your fucking head.
He could look calmly at people who deserve to be hurt being killed And his heartless about these things but if the person he loves is involved he'll be extreme cautious and dangerous to anyone who crosses his sight.
A6:they both have different ways of understanding , acting and feeling.
They don't think anything alike.
But this is what makes them so unique.
They don't understand each other but still , they love each other
And they know... that this is how it should be...
A7: it had always been like this.
Sometimes he tian asked himself if his boyfriend was even capable of loving.
Thats a harsh thing to think... but he tian wondered if it was true.
There he was again.
Laying in bed,
In the darkness,
All by himself,
As much as he longed for the red heads love... he'll never receive it.
He was the one who would give the ginger so much attention and care and all his entire love.
But he didn't give anything back except for bitter words swearings and insults.
Maybe... it was fate that he tian never will know true love.
Maybe he didn't deserve love.
Maybe... it was good just like it was.
But still... he in the end was just a human being.
A human being with needs.
He started thinking about cheating on his boyfriend only so that he could see his reaction.
Would he be hurt?
Would he be crying?
Would he .... care at all?
He wished he knew.
One of the girls that always oggled at him had confessed lately...
He wondered if her love could please him.
He just had to resign himself to be unloved till the day he died.
Because the only kind of love he wished for...
Was not ... could not... be felt... because maybe... it wasn't even real love...
It was bitter hatred.
Had his masochistic tendencies brought him to the end of his mental state?
He didn't know.
And will never know.
Because it was not important how much he wanted to feel real true love from the red head... it was important that he showed just how much he loved the red head... so that the red head can feel important because this is all he ever wanted... he wanted him to feel good, him to have a good life, him to .... be able to live life to full extent.
Little did he know that... the red head was holding back die to past trauma.... the red head felt the same but...
The lack of conversation was destroying this relationship.
A8: i think that.... if momo wouldn't be momo they wouldn't be together.
He tian wouldn't have caught interest and momo would have never got to know him. Because momo is unique the way he is ... and if he would not be like that he'd be fitting in the masses... he tian would have never thought differently about him and guanshan would be as attracted to him as any one else... if momo wouldn't be like he is.... there would be no tianshan.
A9: guanshan would go into cooking stores. The ones where you could be different kinds of laddles and pans and stuff or sports gear stores.
He'd enjoy looking through the video game stores too and although he doesn't buy games frequently he still likes looking through them.
He tian would go to but new expensive clothes because he uses clothes like tissues. He buys them uses them once and then they stay hudden in a n obscure kind of corner in his bedroom sfter he throws them there. He tian eould drag momo into these shops as well, thinking about buying him some new clothes too but momo would feel uncomfortable there because he wouldn't even be able yo buy one single sock from there.
A10:" i dont like that he tian is so clingy at times."(total lie)
"What! Well i don't like that guanshan frowns so much"(total lie too)
They looked at each other in shock. Was this for real?
"Well then 8 dont like that you are totally unuseful in the kitchen."
"You know what? I hate that you can't visit a restaurant with me without ending up on the floor vomiting like a little bitch"
Guanshan was aghast. He turned pale and the ever used frown fell from his face. His pupils had shrank into the size of a single rice corn.
He tian overdid it a bit.
Soon guanshan started trembling and a hand wandered to cover his eyes as his mouth formed a trembling straight line.
"Wait babe i was lying there isn't a single thing i dislike about you! Dont cry!"
He tian slided to him wagging his hands in all sorts of directions.
"I love your cute frown! And that you lived through such a shock is terrible I'm sorry!! Stop crying!"
Guanshan only sniffled as a response.
He tian swiftly embraced him putting him on his lap for further access.
Guanshan leaned on he tians broad chest, letting his hands fall to either sides.
He mumbled" i like that you are titally shit at cooking.. it makes me feel special... and i ..en-enjoy your clinginess."
He tian sighed in relief. Although his boyfriend acted all tough he sometimes could be the most sensitive person he knew.
A11: the flowers had ended up in he tians apartments trash bin.
What are flowers even useful for?
Not even a simple sorry could be said through these damn plants.
Why would he think that they weren't meant to be together?
Was it their social status ?
Their appearance?
Their differences?
He tian couldn't comprehend it.
Why would he think like this?
was it... his fault? He knows that he shouldn't have overreacted that time when they were fighting but it seems like there's more behind it.
All the times he tian had done something wrong guanshan had forgiven him.
Why not this time?
Didn't he knew that he was... his anchor to sanity?
He was already starting to feel weird?
Was this his anxiety bubbling through the cracks of his broken soul?
He simply didn't know what to do.
What is he supposed to do?
He laid on his bed.
Stripped off of his casual clothes and was now in just his boxers.
He could really need a beer right now.
Time passed like it always does and tian still laid there.
Liquor had taken him his consciousness.
The moonlight was the only light dancing in his bedroom.
He slowly awoke of his deep slumber.
A hand slid to the place where guanshan had laid a few nights ago.
He had forgotten for a bit.
He sat up on the bed, slowly, silently.
He craved warmth.
He craved his care.
He craved for him.
He craved....
And craved...
And craved.
He took his phone off the nightstand and started typing.
'I miss you.
I don't understand why you would think we don't belong together.
I don't understand why you would say this.
I just miss you so much.
I dont want this to end.
Whatever we have.
I love this.
I love you
And even when you really dont want to be with me
I will always want you.'
It seems that he tian wasn't the only one living through a wave of insomnia at this moment because soon after he got a message.
'We simply don't.
Forget about me tian.
This message shook the living out of the ravenette.
He meant it seriously.
Nevertheless he tian would not give up.
Even after a month passed he tian didn't give up.
And even after two months passed he still didn't.
Then three months
And four
And five
And six
And seven and eight and nine and ten and- eleven but then twelve.
A whole year.
Guanshan has in the whole year ignored the shit out of him.
He tian had found himself crying about it now.
How weak.
How pathetic.
How miserable.
They had maintained a conversation course.
He'd write every day at 21 o'clock a little text message saying that he still didn't give up.
But eventually... he did.
One whole year of isolation and deserted feelings, needs and cravings.
But its ok.
At least he had tried right?
So he climbed on to the stool and for once didn't write a message that will be ignored again.
He tested the stability of the rope that he had hung on the ceiling.
He took his phone out to look at a two year old pucture of him and guanshan smiling together like two retards.
He had been happy.
Oh yes, there once had been a time.
He breathed out.
And in.
And out.
And in.
And out.
And he stood up.
It was already 1am?
How long had he been in this position?
He stepped over to the chair.
(Bad end)
He did what he was supposed to.
He put the rope  around his neck.
And kicked the stool away.
He strangled for breath.
His hands clasping in fear and sweat.
His neck hurt.
It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
But the pain slowly ceased to exist
Like tian
And with him his endless love
(Good end)
He stepped to the chair.
Put the rope around his neck.
But- the doorbell rang.
Who could it be?
At this hour?
Who would?
He removed the sling of his neck.
And proceeded walking with light and silent steps to the front door.
He opened it and
-was he hallucinating?
"He tian. I was worried you didn't text me..." guanshan said trembling while his hand searched for  something to fidget with.
He bit his lip and finally looked at he tians face.
In shock.
His lips parted
He tian couldn't understand what he was saying.
There was a voice shouting in his head
Guanshan stepped forward.
He put his hands on the sides of tians head.
And wiped of a stray tear.
Was he tian crying?
He was showing weakness.
But he couldn't control himself anymore.
He lunged forward and caught guanshan in his arms.
He didn't stop caring about him in the end right?
He pressed themselves so hard together that not only their bodies no even their souls started crushin.
Guanshan was surprised that he tian was showing so much emotion.
Guanshan had thought it was best this way.
For both of them.
He had been wrong.
So extremely wrong.
Seeing he tian like this was breaking his heart.
In the end these two could not live without each other.
One year was the most they could take.
Both of them.
So when guanshan started tearing up too he tian knew
That there would be a future.

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