Shifter au part 5

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Days had passed and guanshans heat had vanished.
He had spent his days in complete isolation with the hidden desire to be able to meet the others again.
Surprise met him when his parents told him that they had left and hadn't came back.
Guanshan was disappointed in them, for leaving without saying goodbye, and in himself, for thinking that they would maybe .....only maybe..ask him to go back with them.
He never really liked the village much.
Sure- it was a beautiful little place full of nature, but it never was the place he liked calling home.
'...a city with big stores and restaurants and many attractions is so much more interesting, especially with ti-no. Fuck. Forget him...'
But it was a bit...peculiar? He tian had been so determined to help him.
Was this all only show? Had he been lying this whole time? Right into his face?
No, he hadn't been lying.
What if....?
What if they......
Guanshan took another sip of the, by then cold, tea his mother had prepared in an attempt to cheer him up.
He should go and look for them, even though he should probably never put a foot in the outside world again if he didn't want to be stolen and kept as an object for 'who knows what kind of shit she li demands from his mate'.
She lis minions surely will find him if he leaves the house, but this constant fear that his friends maybe... are being kept as hostages... the not knowing if...
'If these delinquents find me they will take me back to that hut, meaning I'll see if they are's worth a try. But no way in hell imma just go out without a plan...he needed to do something...'

Jian yis hair clung to his wet forehead.
In this damp prison chamber, he had lived in the last few days with his boyfriend and tian, light only touched the high areas of the walls.
Jian yi stroked a strand of hair from his face while xixi took a nap huddled in one corner of the relatively small room.
The filth on the floor had made the mens clothes dirty. 
He tian whistled an all too familiar tune when the guard passed the rusty iron door.
"Oh hey~ what's on todays menue, chef?"
Tian only got a grunt as a response from the seemingly not amused beta brunette who was pushing their meals through a big opening the door had to let them do exactly that.
"When will we be able to talk to the boss, huh?"
Surprisingly, the brunette answered.
"He's going through a rut. Few more does it feel to be waiting for your death too?"
A long sigh escaped the brunettes lips.
With a tired tongue he spat.
"The right hand of the chef. He is going to be killed....because he couldn't find that omega ginger. That's your fault for helping that guy... actually...thanks."
"Huuuhhhh??" Jian yi jumped into the dialogue and Zhengxi opened an eye.
"Why would you thank us for that? Didn't you like him? Wasn't he your friend?"
"He was...he didn't want all this anymore. He was...very happy actually....he sees it more as...being freed than...."
"Freed? Can't he just leave this when he wants to?"
The beta had finished his duty, his shift was over and yet he lingered there for a few minutes more.
"He was a prisoner of this system, of she li. Our leader has deep running connections. Once we join...we never ...get the chance to leave. The brunette stood up from where he was crouching, to be able to look tian in the eyes, and left.
But before his footsteps couldn't be heard anymore tian shouted.
"Let's unite our forces."
"What forces?" Jian yi whispered.
"Shhh, jian yi!"
"We would temporarily work together to stop she lis secret reigning! We can do it!"
"You could change your situation by telling us where that fucking omega is."
The brunette sent the iron door a fleeting glance and disappeared into the dark hallway.

Putting on his jacket he stomped to the door, carrying a big bag that has been used for long travels.
"You can't just disappear again! First you bring humans into the village, you don't show us any sign of life for days and then you just want to repeat that?!Guanshan! I won't allow this! And why are you taking your things with you this time? Are you...are you leaving us? "
Guanshan was facing the door, but slowly turned to look into his mothers worried amber eyes, one of the few things he had from her.
With a soft and remorseful voice he said just a few words that made his mother frown softly, like everytime he used to disappoint her in the past.
She never showed it, but guanshan knew that he was not a son to be proud of.
And now...he was only doing it again.
Disappointing her.
"Mom....i promise, someday, i will come and visit you and dad. It's not a goodbye forever.... i will leave this village and start a new life. I already made up my mind. I have my entire savings with me. I'll be alright. Tell dad that too, ok?"
Guanshan turned and opened the door swiftly.
"I love you."
A single tear fell to the ground.

I know it's not much! Sorry
I am trying
And struggling lol
I am going to try and write a longer chapter this week....sryy

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