Kings of north and south (request)

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The epitome of winter.
The king of the north.
And he also had a name, but he couldn't remember the last time someone had said that name.
So he forgot it.
Maybe because he had not met a single soul for the last 4 centuries.
Nevertheless, this feeling of forgetting something of great importance would stay swirling around in the hole his chest had borne, where his cold heart had once been.
He had no memories of his old self and life, except for one event he could resurrect.
He'd think about it all day.
About that memory.

It was a sunny day.
He peeked out of the window that let the sunshine enter the small bedroom.
Next to him, laying on the bed, there was another figure, but the golden light shining on the silhouette made it hard to decipher who it was, not that he'd recognize them though.
"Wh£€@ €*s *t, hun#@y?"
The ginger next to him turned around.
His peaceful expression was burning on he tians cornea.
And all of the sudden the warm light changes and the whole room looked-
Looked cold.

What happened afterwards is a mystery.
Maybe this was the memory of his death, maybe of his most treasured moment?
The king of the north had been human once?
He tian didn't know.
Since this all was in his unchangeable past, he should focus on what his 'life', if he could call that, and tasks in the moment were.
Walking circles in his ice palace, he halted and decided now was a good time to go out.
It was soon time for winter.
He tian had to prepare.

Maybe on his journey to spreading winter....maybe he'd find a soul worth talking to.
Because his loneliness was the source of his ice cold power.
The winters might was his loneliness.

~ (time skip)

Cruel winter had come and taken its offerings and victims once again.
The king of summer shook his head.
How barbaric the cold had ripped away members of families.
Fathers, mothers and the poor children.
Uncles and aunts.
Grandmas and grandpas.
He loathed winter.
Spring and autumn were tolerable but winter.
How he hated winter with all his being.
His passionate hatred had ignited a fire in his amber eyes.
His hatred for winter was the source of his power, of his warmth.
The epitome of summer yearned for the winter to end, and he would gladly be of help in terminating winter too.

But he remembered, there once was a time where he loved winter.
That was in his lifetime as a human.
Goddess, had he been full of foolishness?


Winters time was over.
The king of the south was entangled in work.
Spreading his warmth was getting harder and harder the more he'd get to the middle of the land.
Was winter still present?
What a rule breaking way to declare war.
The epitome of summer though, was known for its bravery and boldness.
He'd never scare away from a fight.
He was too vibrant for that.

So when summer came upon the the middle land, he was shocked to see the the people crying in happiness.
What had winter done?
An eventual meeting would be needed.
The fields were all frozen, making the farmers lose their income.
The lakes were all frozen closed, the fishers would have a hard job.
And the worst were the dynamics of the coldness, the too long stay.
Winter had to leave if he didn't want summer to completely erase his being,
because summer was boiling of anger and deep hatred.

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