Teach me- part3

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"You don't notice, do you?" the womanizer smirked playfully.

Guanshan felt a familiar warm feeling spreading on his cheeks. Perhaps the teacher was lying to make him feel better?

"Ah! So, you really are oblivious." Teacher He leaned back in his chair and tousled his hair softly with his hand. The black silky strands now covered his eyes and the redhead noticed just how much younger he looked like this. If the faint dark circles under his eyes and this mature (yet playful) attitude had not been, Guanshan would've thought he was about as young as him- but the way his eyes held so much knowledge and life experience were a dead giveaway.

Suddenly the substitute started rambling softly.

"You remind me of myself quite a bit. When I was in my last year of high school
I used to start fights and sought after confrontation and attention."

To which Guanshan responded with a "I'm no fucking attention whore!"

And immediately teacher He shut him down with a curt "well, I was-and admittedly, I still am."

The teacher's glasgow smile was wide and amusement was etched into his features.


It was a beautiful day! The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing and Guanshan's pollen allergy was driving him crazy.

How in chicken's name could his nose produce this much mucus?

With a runny nose and red eyes the redhead watched his friend try to eat his yoghurt without a spoon. It was amusing, to say the least.

Cuntou was sitting on the ground and leaning on the small railing near the skate parks various places to do stunts and tricks and all that kind of crap Guanshan didn't care enough for to actually memorize the names. Buzzcut's eyes were focused on the yoghurt cup in front of his nose as he tried reaching the bottom of the cup with his tongue (and looking fairly unattractive while doing so).

Guanshan snickered.

"Don't laugh at me! This tongue can make girls cry!"

"Oh......really?" Guanshan's monotone reply must've hurt his best friend's ego. Cuntou puffed out his chest and proudly declared.

"Well I made my new GIRLFRIEND cry with it so-back off, bitch! Do you make your GIRLFRIEND CRY? Oh wait- you don't have one!"

It was Guanshans turn to be offended. Though he was indifferent to the fact that he did not have a special someone to make them cry (at least he pretended he was) he still felt ticked off by cuntou's comment for some reason unknown to him.

"Shut your damn mouth before I will..." his angry rumbling was shortly cut off by Cuntou.

"Well, yet. You don't have a girlfriend, YET."

There was a mysterious and scheming glint in Buzzcut's eyes as guanshan realized that his friend was up to no good.

Cuntou spent a few seconds on the final lick to reach the last groove of the yoghurt cup and simply threw it behind his head with an impressive aura of pride.

Cuntou put his arm around Guanshan's shoulder and pointed to the sky with his other.

"You see that, man?" Buzzcut asked nonchalantly. The prick was playing it cool.

"The sky?"

"Nah. There."

"You're literally pointing into nowhere, man."

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