I was thinking the same- chapter 1

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"What the-"
"Shh! It's okay! I won't hurt you!"
Guanshan was dragged into a deserted alleyway forcefully.
He had been going home from a long day at the arcade with cuntou, his bald friend, enjoying the cold night wind when he suddenly got jumped by that weird men.
His voice came out muffled when the man put a hand on his mouth while still holding guanshans arms behind his back.
Once they reached a darker area of the small and dark alley the men let him go and guanshan fell on the cold and rough pavement.
Immediately his instincts told him to stand up and run as fast as he could, but being the ‚natural fighter' how his mother always called him, he jumped up preparing for a fight.
"No! Wait! I don't want to fight!"
The old man coiled away in fear.
He looked like he was in his sixties, with long gray hair and a untrimmed beard in a loose black and knee long jacket and dark trousers.
"Please! Please take this!"
Guanshan let out a loud irritated grunt.
As he glared at the men, he noticed the small golden object he held in his hands, offering it to him.
"Please! I beg you! I can't stand it anymore!" From tears eyes to a worried espression, this men had the look of a broken old soul.
Confused as he was, mo Guanshan simply stared at the men.
The elderly guy gripped the red heads hands and put the small golden object onto the red heads palm.
"I hope...you'll use this wisely."
Guanshan raised his hand to inspect the thing he was just given.
With furrowed brows he spoke.
"...and what exactly is this?"
But as he let his gaze travel through the alley, he noticed that the men was already gone.

When he arrived home, guanshan tip-toed to his room.
He knew how hard his mother worked- better not wake her up.
She deserved to rest well after an 8-hour-long shift at her hard job.
The bed felt extremely soft under the red heads skin.
Putting the golden ring he had received on his right ring finger, he inspected it from all sides.
It looked very expensive, with a small white gem in the middle.
There even was something engraved into the side.

"Gedanken sind die einzige Privatsphäre die dir blieben, richtig?"

Frowning at the writing, he decided he should google this...whatever this was.
This looked quite a lot like dutch-or some kind of northern european language with these little dots over the 'a'.
But most importantly-
Why would this strange guy be so wild about gifting him a ring? Why would he drag him into an alley like a pervert who had the worst in mind? And why would he give it to him?
All kinds of questions flew in guanshans mind before he put the ring on his nightstand and shut off the lights.
The next day was a school day and guanshan still wasn't mentally prepared for meeting he tian after ditching him for going to the arcade.
The last few days were just so ....intense with tian.
He started feeling weird, and of course- guanshan didn't like that.

Feelings and emotions and all that crap are just huge burdens.

Why should someone live with that if it makes life so much harder?

Guanshan woke up with a sudden jolt.
"It's late! Wake up school has started!"
His mothers voice!
Sleepily sitting up and rubbing his eyes guanshan casually looked at the clock.
Had his alarm even rung?
The red head jumped up while in shock, looking for his school uniform in his small room.
"Fuck! I'm gonna be late!"

Running into the school building while eating a sandwich and carrying his heavy bag, guanshan thought about what kind of excuse he should tell the teacher.
'My dog died?-what dog?! My mother told me to bring out the trash and I had to fight with a raccoon? Fuck no!'
Guanshan suddenly came to a halt, frowning even harder.
'What kind of fucking excuse is this? I have no wounds to prove it! Think brain!'
As he arrived in front of his class room he stopped, devouring the leftover piece of sandwich he had in one huge bite.
He coughed and opened the door swiftly, stepping inside the room.
"You're late."
".....my raccoon died."
This earned him a round of laughter from his classmates.
'Way to go guanshan'
He mentally face palmed himself.
"Well....just go and sit down."
The teacher sighed as she continued reading a paragraph from the book she was holding.
He felt the judging gazed of all his classmates piercing a hole in his back as he strode to the back of the class.
After he sat down, he noticed a little bulb jutting out of his trousers.
In his left pocket was something hard.
He snuck his hand inside it to take out the ring he had laid on his nightstand the night before.
How had this gotten inside his-
"It's okay to come late once in a month but, it's unacceptable to play around in MY lessons."
Miss 'whatever-her-name-was-guanshan-couldn't-care-enough-to-memorize' was known to be strict so huffing annoyed and biting his lip, guanshan leaned back in his chair.
He snuck the ring back into his pocket and hoped this lesson would be over soon.

In the break the red head wandered to the school roof.
Some girls were sitting on the bench, eating and chatting.
Guanshan frowned at the bench when suddenly the girls yelped away, packing their stuff and leaving the roof top.
Had they noticed his glaring or was his image well spread throughout the whole school?
Huffing our in amusement he raised one eyebrow as he proceeded his way to the bench.
Sitting on the, now free, bench he decided it was time to inspect the ring.
He would not put it on though.
He put it on.
It didn't add to his delinquent image.
It actually did.
Suddenly a loud voice rang through his head.
'There he is! Oh my precious red ball of fluff! Let's look at his scared face~'
Startled he turned around only to see he tian sneaking up on him.
"Oh. You noticed."
The ravenette grinned while waving his hand.
Tian approached the red head and sat down next to him in a matter of seconds.
'Oh he looks so adorable!'
This voice in his head? It sounded like..he tian.
"So? Why did you ditch me yesterday"
'You preferred going out with your friend instead of hanging out with me'
"I want to know what you did without me the whooo~oole long day! You must have felt lonely~"
He warbled happily.
"Even though I wanted to take you out.." tian muttered while fake whipping some tears away.
"I'm hurt guanshan~"
The deceiving smile never leaving his lips.
'I have to know if there is something going between you and that bald guy'
"What! No! There isn't! Cuntou is just a good friend!"
He tians face didn't change for a few seconds.
Slowly, his features relaxed and fell to a neutral expression.
His grey eyes suddenly darkened in confusion.
"I didn't say anything like that? How did you come up with.."
He tian stopped when he saw the look of uncertainty on the red heads face.
Guanshan was smiling brightly with a hint of malice as the frown fell.
'Wow this is how he looks while smiling...quick savor it! Burn this into your memory!"
Guanshans smile ceased when he glared at tian.
'What..he is acting weird. Is he on-'
"He tian!"
This was his chance.
He could finally, after months of uncertainty, use this situation and come clear with tians intentions.
"Do you like me as more than a friend?"
The ginger blushed when he realized what he had just said, inhaling deeply in shock.
He tians puzzled face was a very peculiar sight, especially for guanshan who had to cope with 'he-tians -asshole-attitude' for so long now.
'Oh damn. I wish I could tell you how deep in love I am. I would love to make you mine and fuck you till you won't be able to walk for weeks but I would also love to snuggle you close to my chest and hold you for the whole night'
Bewildered guanshan sat there inspecting the ravenettes face.
He tian was suspicious of something.
"Why are you asking this all of a sudden. I thought you would be more of a passive person in the field of 'relationships'."
Through half lidded eyes tian watched the red head scruff away nervously.
"Not that i am complaining though~"
He tians voice  was playful again as he seductively winked at the red head.
"F-forget that. I have to... leave."

1.5 k words ... a new au? Prolly a multi chapter fic? What do ya think?
Should I continue this?

 a new au? Prolly a multi chapter fic? What do ya think?Should I continue this?

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