Shifter au part 4

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Guanshan laid on his bed.
The thin cotton sheets were sticking to his skin and he felt like he would lose his consciousness once again if he just sat up in his sweat coated bed.
The blinds were down, the windows closed and his door was probably locked.
He should look if the door really was locked, but couldn't in the state he was in.
He was grateful to have such good parents.
They cared so much for him, especially when his heat kicked in.
A warm feeling flooded his abdomen, rising the wish to mate in him.
He, to that point, was used to just bearing with this, but this was intense.
The urge he felt was incredibly strong.
He yearned for two strong hands to hold him.
He longed being touched.
He craved someone, who would help and let the unbearable heat vanish.
Guanshan hated those thoughts.
Every single time his heat appeared, omega stereotypical desires awoke inside of him.
The ginger had to concentrate and suppress these thoughts, that were so unlike him.
He just hoped he wouldn't smash the door in, when his body was in the 'all-so-sweet' bliss, caused by the heat.

The atmosphere was awkward.
Very awkward.
He tian has never felt this strained in his whole life.
He was seated in a rather big living room, jian yi and Zhan Zhengxi next to him.
The red haired petite woman, with a practiced movement, put a tray full of cups and sweets on top of the low table in front of the couch.
The tv was playing some sort of reportage about 'how almond milk is made'.
Guanshans father took a chair out of the kitchen and sat himself beside the single spot couch,across from the three unfamilar and handsome men.
"So! Where was my son the last few days? I bet that 'she' kid was lying."
He tian gulped at that question.
What was he supposed to say?
"Oh! And what kind of shifters are you? Wait-wait let me guess!"
"Don't be too nosy, dear."
Ignoring her husbands comment, she continued with a strange kind of enthusiasm in her voice.
"You! You must be a ...a...beautiful cat shifter! I see that because of your light and smooth looking hair! While your boyfriend must be a mountain lion, judging by his expression. You," She pointed a finger at he tian "are a wolf, right?"
The ravenette wasn't sure how to respond to that.
He could simply agree, but what if they wanted to see his other form then?
They'd be screwed.
"Almond milk is usually enriched with vitamins."Jian yi cut in.
"I wonder how it tastes." Zhengxi continued.
"They are humans."
A pale mo guanshan mumbled from the doorway.
Sweat was sticking his clothes and hair to his lean and muscle bound body.
He visibly was shaking and his eyes were full of dark lust.
"Remember how you used to tell me to avoid hunters at all costs? It's too late for that now."
His father jumped up, shielding his wife and son with his own body.
"Calm down, father. It's ok~ they accepted it."
"What if someone sees us with humans! We'll be executed!"
"We could just pretend everything's okaaay~" a small chuckle escaped the gingers lips, followed by hysterical laughter.
" he okay?" Jian yi demanded to know.
"I think I'm dying~" guanshan giggled, while his mind was clouded.
"HE TIAN! Help meeee~" guanshan jumped into the ravenettes arms, startling him.
"You can make that heat go awaay, right?"
Guanshans shiny eyes met with tians for a split second.
His father frowned, then spoke "he's not himself right now. Let me help you get back to bed, sweetie."
But guanshan only clung more to the black haired male.
Burying his face into tians shoulder guanshan gasped lightly.
"You smell gooood~"
"Guanshan! Come here!" His mother chimed in.
"Did you take the suppressants i put on the nightstand? You didn't, huh?!"
Suddenly guanshan let go of tians torso and ran into the kitchen, crying out loud while he was doing so.
"Pancakes! I demand pancakes!!"
His mother shouted after a loud bang filled the house.
"Damn it!" The father cursed.

"And what do you plan to do now?" Zhengxi asked the other two men before entering the cars.
"He said the hut would be in the peripheral area of the village. I'll just ask someone. Then I'll go and kick some ass."
"We'll tag along." Jian yi mumbled.
"No. That's a dumb plan. If we really are going to do this...we have to prepare."

The group of teenage shifters turned to the unfamiliar ravenette.
"How can we you?"
He tian gave them his best lady killer smile.
"I heard there is a hut somewhere in this town. An unused hut? In the forest?"
"Are-are for today? We could do something!"
"Sorry, could you please answer my question?"
The female shifter who had asked he tian if he had time to hang out averted her gaze.
"Sorry, you just...smell so good."
Tian didn't know how to respond to that, so he just continued interviewing the shifters.
"So about that hut?"
"There is one back at the river! But you shouldn't..."
Her eyes trailed to tians muscular biceps as he shoved a hand into his hair, combing it back.
"In what direction?"
"I've never seen you around. May i ask who you are?"
Another girl spoke in a snippish tone.
"Hey. Look. I just want to know where that hut is, ok? Then we can forget about this.. encounter. Okay?"
Tian opened his mouth slightly, closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows, in an attempt to look innocent.
The smallest girl, that had already turned beet red, shouted.
Slightly startled, tian thanked the girl and vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

"I'll lead the way." the ravenette spoke, with an uncharacteristic calmness in his voice that threw Zhengxi and jian yi off edge.
"He tian?" Jian yi furrowed his eyebrows.
"You don't have to come with me. It's okay. I would understand if you-"
"What are you talking about!?!" Zhengxi shouted.
"We are your friends! Of course we will tag along!"
"I see that you are serious about this. You've made up your mind. We will support you at all costs."
"That's what friends are here for anyways!"
Jian yi sent tian a reassuring smile.
Zhengxi, for once, smirked lightly.
He tian always had thought that he didn't deserve such good friends, but in the end he was just happy to be able to spend time with jian yi and Zhan Zhengxi.
They both had their mistakes, but he knew...these two would never let him hanging.
So tian spoke up and showed them his gratitude the best he could.
Putting as much emotion in as he was able to, the two little words left his mouth in a tremble.
"Thank you."

since i am already ya go. I'll try and write one more part this weekend for y'all.
And momos emotions and consciousness is clouded by the heaaaaattt~ i hope it's alright???

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