The hints he dropped...

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"What are you thinking about? I'm not blind, guanshan. You act so cold all of the sudden too."
The redhead was lost in thoughts as he leaned on the railing of the big balcony tians apartment had.
When guanshan didn't turn to face the ravenette, he knew that something was bothering him.

"At some point you just can't show emotion anymore."
"Oh? Are you saying that your attitude is thought through? It seems you are build complexer than i thought~"
"I'm not in the mood for your jokes. Not tonight." The sudden silence made he tian slightly uncomfortable. An all too familiar presage creeping over his mind.

"...Did something happen?"
"Are you lying?"
"Fuck off." As tian walked over to stand next to his boyfriend, he looked at the beautiful sight from where he stood. The city lights, the only light source, were dancing and reflecting on the glass walls of all the buildings. The sight he had from his apartment had always been exceptionally stunning, so he wasn't surprised to find guanshan here so often.

" know, if you have any problems-"
"It's always about me! What about you! You never tell me anything! The best actor still is the one who never gets suspected of acting!" He tians presage was turning out to be right. While guanshan was frowning at his clenched fists, he tian watched him with a small suppressed smile on his face. The only kind of smile he would personally never see on his lips. The smile he tian liked to keep hidden and unseen, especially by him.

"What do you mean?"
"This play pretend! You know, I'm not blind either!"
"Why do you never tell me anything? Am i that untrustworthy? Can't you talk to your boyfriend of five damn years about your problems..." Guanshan then laid eyes on him for the first time since tian stepped onto the balcony and immediately regretted it. The look of hurt on he tians face made the red heads belly flip. In sudden astonishment he sighed briefly, before regaining his frown.

"My problems have nothing to do with you. They are an exception."
"Well fuck! Your problems are an exception! Your family is an exception! Your whole being is an exception! Why are you so SPECIAL? Huh?! Tell me! What makes you different from any other asshole walking on the street?" Guanshan was mad, tian could see that, but he surely could talk himself out once again.

"I never said-"
"But you clearly act like it! Damn! I can't do this anymore! I believed at least have some trust in me..."
"Guanshan. There are some things that i cannot talk to you about. It's not that i don't want to. Hell, I'd be happy to, but i simply can't." A small amused , but pitiful, chuckle escaped the gingers lips.

"Oh? Apparently you CAN'T trust me enough or what-"
"It's not that! I-"
"You keep hiding everything!"
"Believe me! I want to share my problems with you! I'd be so happy to!"
"Then why don't you? What is keeping you from spilling the fucking truth?"
"Guanshan, you know i love you." And he tian was giving him that look again. It was the look guanshan never found any words to describe it with. 'As if i was his whole world' or to put it simple 'lovingly to the point of looking creepy' were the best comparisons that guanshan mixxed together in his mind.

"Oh no. Don't start that again. I'm sick of this! I just- i can't keep doing this! If you really love me- then FUCKING SAY WHAT IS GOING ON! HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WORRY WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE STIRRED UP IN AGAIN?" But this time guanshan would not back up. He needed to know. He couldn't live with this constant worry eating him inside out.

"....I'm not in the position to-"
"Is it that bad? What kind of business...are you in?"
"...." the silence was only disrupted by a car passing. The two men were staring at each other intensely.

" know.. I'd jump, although i know no one is there to catch me. The only reason I'm still here"
"He tian. What are you talking about?" A look of confusion found its way on the red heads handsome face.

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