I just wanted to have some hot time -oh no

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The door creaked when mo guanshan unlocked it, pushing it open just a few inches to peek inside.

It was late, his mother would be sleeping tight in her cozy warm bed and he'd be happy to do just the same after a long day out in the streets. Especially after slipping in that gray snow near his favorite bistro.
God-that was embarrassing... but he tian
helped him up so it wasn't that bad...

Well, his mother would be sleeping usually, but of course today was special.
Guanshan had forgotten about that, though.
He had totally forgotten about it.

He stepped inside, careful and with slow movements, closed the door after his boyfriend, hung their coats into the wardrobe and taken off his shoes.

He slowly walked towards his room. His grip on he tians shirt tightening as he pressed his index finger against tians lips to shut him up. His gaze was heated and he tian looked as horny as him when he heard an awkward cough while passing the living room.

They stopped and suddenly guanshan realized that there were people sitting on the sofa and on chairs around the small tv table, and everyone was looking at him, his finger on the ravenettes lips and the way he gulped down the shock.

Oh yes.


Auntie and his favorite cousin were supposed to visit and stay for a week.

How could he forget....

Guanshans finger slowly fell from tians soft lips as he started turning red.

His mother smiled awkwardly and clapped her hands together in false relaxation.

"Oh! He tian! I didn't know you would come today! What a surprise!" she smiled and stood up to walk him to the chair she's been sitting on.
He tian swallowed down all sexual tension he felt and looked at the family with a wide smile on his face.

"Hello auntie! Long time no see..." he stepped into the living room, guided by mo guanshans mother, greeted the middle aged brunette on the sofa and the confused petite blonde next to her.

"Hello, mam. I am he tian. Pleased to meet you." He gently shook her hand. The woman raised her thin eyebrows, puckered her lips and then smiled softly.

After shaking the hand of guanshans cousin he sat onto the hard chair and smiled encouragingly soft at his boyfriend who still didn't move an inch from where he was standing in the doorway.

"Au-auntie.... nuan...I forgot you'd come today." Guanshan muttered as he approached his relatives.

His mother smiled at him with a slightly more uptight expression as usual. She backed away into the hall, saying she'd prepare the mattresses in guanshans and her room for her visitors. Thus leaving guanshan alone to clarify his actions.

The redhead let himself fall on the chair next to tian. His gaze wandered to his cousin.

She was giving him a mocking look. Her wavy hair was falling onto her shoulders and her hazelnut brown eyes were closed.
Light chuckles escaped her mouth.

"I haven't seen you in 3 months and this is how we meet again....what a great show you prepared for us, guanshan." She laughed wiping away a tear from her eyes. She was enjoying this! Ohh he'd kill her later.

"Please forget this...I thought you'd come in like...a week?!" The redhead mumbled while closing the distance between them to hug her.

After hugging his aunt too, guanshan sat back on his chair.

His aunt then grinned at them with a malicious glint in her eyes.

"Now, he tian." She slowly said the ravenettes name.

"What have we caught you doing?"

He tian gave mo guanshan a side glance as he started speaking.

"We just wanted to get comfortable after a long day out. Perhaps a movie would have-"

"A movie?! Yahaaa! I don't thinks so! You two were looking like some horny-"

"Nuan! Don't make it even worse for them." Auntie cut her off while giggling happily.

"I was starting to get worried about you guanshan! Always seen you alone..." nuan smiled at tian with a warm expression.

"And he is handsome! And so polite, too!" Auntie added, winking at tian.

"I do what I can." He tians smile radiated warmth. His hand moved to the redheads hand and he swiftly held it.

"Oh! You two must be so in love! That makes me think of my youth...." auntie started rambling, her voice warm and full of fondness.

Guanshan worried about he tian. Wouldn't he rather leave than spend time with his family? He observed his profile when tian was talking to his cousin. He looked like he was enjoying himself, smiling brightly.

Guanshan thought he tian would be uncomfortable dealing with his relatives, since he had had practically no practice in such situations.

Maybe he tian would have wanted to have a big family, though? He seems like the type of guy to hate having to spend time with family but right now he looks perfectly at ease.

He tians grip on guanshans Hand tightened as he laughed at a joke from his cousin.

This was the moment guanshan fell even deeper in love with the ravenette.


This is not beta read sry
Original title:"I just wanted to drink some hot cocoa and maybe fuck you but forgot that my relatives are coming today, shit."
That title is bigger than tians ego lol
see ya hopefully next week and I'm sorry that it took me so long but I've been feeling kinda down lately I haven't been able to come up with great ideas anymore.....
So if anyone wants to request something ;))
I'd be happy to write it

-I am trying
-bye bye

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