If the world was blind...

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The golden afternoon sun had warmly enveloped the two men.

With a bottle of beer between them, sitting in the grass, under the shade the tree was throwing, guanshan gazed at the darkening horizon.

"Maybe you should treat people kinder. All these inconveniences are caused by your attitude, shanshan."

A small chuckle escaped tians lips.

"It hasn't always been like this, you know."

The red head was opening up to he tian little by little.

"Some day you'll just get tired of showing kindness if they always trample over you."

"So you're saying you once have been an active and social individual in this society?"

He tian spoke slowly, laughing silently.

A side glance and a hand shoved deep in red hair was the answer he got.

Minutes later guanshan muttered: "If the world was blind how many people would you impress?"

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