Shifter au part 2

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"Zhan xixi! You are back!!!"
"Jian yi! I came as soon as i saw you had called 24-times. What happened?"
Zhan zhengxi closed the door of the flat he and his boyfriend lived in.
His serious expression only got more worried when he saw...
- jian yi clung to the landline, his laptop and his own phone as if his life depended on it.
"It's he tian! He is in trouble again! He wouldn't tell me what it is about so.... i hacked his ..." he mumbled something unintelligible.
"To see where he is!"
Zhengxi had already collected some experience with the topic hacking and jian yi, making him frown lightly.
"Did he say something weird again?"
"A strange guy picked up his phone! Then later he tian said that maybe... he won't survive this! He could be dying right now!" Jian yi jumped to embrace his lover.
"Shit. What kind of crap is he in again?! I swear this time I'll-"
"We have to help him!"
Zhengxis body tensed up as he sighed.
"So i have to play babysitter again, huh?"
Shoving a hand through his hair Zhengxi took the car keys out of his coat pocket.
"Where is he?"
"In the woods!"
"The woods- what the?"
"We have to the way can we stop at a mcdonalds? I am really hungry, you know?"
"We only have time for a drive in, though."
"I'll take that and now-let's gooo!" the blonde dragged his lover out of the door.

He tians puzzled expression only got more peculiar as he puckered his lips.
"I just told you my biggest secret and you aren't even taking it seriously! Jerk!"
"Mo guanshan, darling, there is no way I'm gonna believe such-"
when the ginger turned into a red fox, tian leaped away in pure horror.
"What the fuc- red!"
His body started turning human again while tian was still clutching to the grass.
"See? That's how i was able to get all these information..... if you tell anyone you'll be killed by the way!" Guanshan towered over him while the ravenette was still on his back.
"So i took in a half human as my pet? Is that why you stared at my bare chest so often?"he smirked, his eyes glancing maliciously.
The mens ears reddened.
"Fuck you, you chicken dick!"
The ginger sat down in front of tian, looking at the with stars adorned, night sky.
"So..what exactly did happen in your little village?"
A nervous looking pair of eyes met tians light grey ones, that appeared to be full of kindness all of the sudden.
Guanshans hand moved to the dirt next the campfire, his fingers tracing various patterns.
"It started... with 14..when i got identified as an omega. Omegas are the submissive ones in relationships from our kind. There are not many omegas....especially male omegas...we are the rarest kind. People used to watch me weirdly. I never understood why, but now...i do. My village has many alphas, you know. Every alphas dream is to get together with an omega. Two weeks ago i turned 18 and that makes me...'mature enough to mate'."
He spoke the last words as if they were venom that he was trying to get off his lips, full of hate and disgust he continued.
"All these glances adults and all alphas used to give me... they were full of lust.
I was jumped a few times in the first week, but in the second... a friend of mine, i mean i thought he was a friend, who is an alpha too, offered me a deal.
If i let him mate me i will be let in peace by all these alphas."
"And what is that mating thing?"
"It's like a bond between lovers. My body will crave my mate in heats  then and i will be smelling like him, letting everyone know that i am not..'available'. I declined his offer but he shut me away into a big hut in the peripheral area of the village. He was the one who hurt me. I was lucky and could escape... and then.... you found me."
"So now you want to go back there and kick his ass? That's not the best thing to do....that's dangerous. You should just stay away from there."
The red haired male averted his gaze.
"My...parents still live there. I don't want she li to hurt them."
"...i understand."
"You do?"
"I do. I once was in a similar situation."

'I can't let them behind!'
'You have to.'
'Let me go!'
'You fulfilled your tasks and were of help, tian. That's enough.'
'N-no. N-noo!'

"But what do you plan on doing after that?"
"I'll fucking leave that place. My parents though... they probably won't want to. I know just how much they love the village.... maybe i shouldn't take them with me."
"You'll leave your parents there?"
"They both are bethas... they would have an easy life without me...i was always the one who attracted every problem anyways. They'll be good."
A sad expression found its way on guanshans face.
"Hey" he tians thumb stroked the gingers temple in a caring gesture.
"Maybe it's for the best? You could still go visit them when you miss them. It's not a goodbye for forever."
A genuine smile traveled onto tians face.
"Th-thank you...for helping me out."

"Oh my god, xixi!"
"Yes!" Zhan Zhengxi shouted stiffly, while driving.
"They gave me 19 chicken nuggets instead of 20! Let's go back there-"
"Jian yi! Concentrate! We have to find he tian."
"Oh yes! Sorry!"
"Did he move or anything?"
Jian yi inspected the display of his laptop, while eating his fries, intensely.
"No, still the same place. In about one mile you should turn left by the way."

The light behind his eyelids made tian open his eyes slowly.
As he looked to his side he saw guanshan clenched to his jacket, when he suddenly heard someone clear his throat.
He sat up looking at the rather tall figure standing in front if him, crossing his arms.
In a low voice the men spoke.
"I am going to fucking kill you."
He tian gulped.

"He...hasn't come back yet. Darling, i am seriously worried.."
"We should go and look for him."
"Maybe something happened at his friends?"
"Call that she li again. I'll go and look for my hiking boots." the father spoke,his voice clouded with worry.

"Do you know just- just how worried we were?" Zhengxi nearly shouted, jian yi appearing from behind his lover.
"What are you doing here he tian? And who is that?" Jian yi mumbled bewildered.
Tian turned shaking guanshans shoulder lightly.
"Wake up." He whispered tenderly.
"Three more minutes"
"Guanshan we don't have three more minutes."
The gingers eyes shot open.
Looking around, he massaged his temples.
"Who the- oh. They found us."
"That voice! You are that suicidal guy that i talked to!"
"Suicidal? I'm gonna show you suicidal, motherfu-"
The ravenette held guanshan back.
They both stood up, the ginger mumbling insults as he did.
"He tian, explain." Zhengxi shot one of his death glares at he tian.
"Well, red asked me to-"
"Wait! Don't tell them. They'll be at risk if you do."
"Wh-what risk?" The blonde stuttered.
"Forget it. We were just going to... go and...kick someones asses..."
He tian sent guanshan a questioning look.
The ginger nodded approvingly.
"Yeah. That's what we are going to do."
"You were going to. Not anymore. I don't know what exactly is going on, sounds dangerous." Zhengxi huffed out annoyed.
"Now let's go."
"Wait! Zhengxi you can't just-" the red head breathed out.
"How do you know my name? He tian-"
The ginger suddenly stepped away from them, frowning even harder than before.
"I know everything. I even know that you hold your farts in till you are completely alone!"
The brunette could only glare at that.
"Is that true xixi?" Jian yi started laughing at his lover, while his cheeks reddened.
"That's total bullshit."
"Oh don't laugh, jian yi. I saw you picking your nose."
"Whaaa-aa! How did you- he is evil!"the blonde pointed at guanshan, looking terrified.
"I have nasty information about you. You better do as i say."the ginger puckered his lips in accomplishment.
"So you better let tian help me out." The gloomy expression on guanshans face only brought out the pity in his voice.
"We are not going to let you keep our friend, you are a total stranger."
"Well, technically not really.."
Jian yi raised an eyebrow in interest.
"Huh? What do you mean by that? Do i know you?"
"If i tell you, there's a good chance you'll be killed." The red head muttered.
"Then I'm gonna pass-"
"I have not much to lose." Zhengxi admitted calmly.
"Xixi!?" His boyfriend shrieked.
"No. I am not going to tell you guys. Let's cut the crap. I am serious now."
He tian eyed the ginger calmly.
"It's red."
"He tian!"
"He's the fox."
Jian yi and Zhan Zhengxi looked at each other in shock, when they bursted out laughing.
"Yeahhh! Sure. And i am santa-"
Jian yi stopped talking when he saw two red fox ears on top of the unfamiliar guys head.
"That's...a very good furry cosplay."
"Furry-fuck no! That's no cosplayshit! See!" the red head turned and showed how a red fox tail started growing out of his back.
Tian embraced the fuming ginger, holding him back from jian yi who was glued to Zhengxis side.

I know-i know it's not much but life is fucking with me at the moment and i have so many assignments and tests to study for...fml
I am afraid i have to ..take a little break.
I don't know how long this hiatus will take but honestly i have some
important things to take care of SO PLEASE BE PATIENT 😅😅
(Btw i tried making it a bit funny hope it's alright hehe)

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