Q&A part 1

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Q1: how would he tian convince momo to let him make love to him?
Q2: he tian is the captain of football team (not soccer, football the one you play with your hand) momo is their new coach for three months until they reach their match. who would fell on love first and how will it go?
Q3: mo guan shan said "give me some space." what would he tian do?
Q4: what would he tian and mo guan shan wish for when they were still children?
Q5: do you think it's possible that he tian and mo guan shan had met each other before?
Q6: they were strangers at this time, he tian is a CEO that is looking for a wife, the reward of being his wife is one million.. cuntou forced momo to apply for his wife. but he has to dress up as a lady (wears a wig, fake boob isn't necessary) and meets he tian at a cafe... would you think momo will succeeded in becoming the COW's wife??
Q7: he tian invited momo into a ghost house for Halloween, they found a dead body(it's not really and the place is actually haunted) momo fainted leaving he tian alone panicking how will he tian solve this situation?
Q8: when do you think we can finally see a genuine smile from mo guan shan? and in what occasion will we see him smile?
Q9: a girl confessed to he tian and momo happens to pass by and eavesdropping on them but he tian spot him, what will he tian reply be?
Q10: what does he tian love most about mo guan shan?

A1 (idea) believe that tian would give  him little hints at first and mo would get them but would just pretend not to. After a long time he tian is so driven of lust that He tries EVERYTHING to sweet talk him into it. Momo would not want to but eventually gives in after tian seems to be upset because of it lol
A2:he tian would fall in love with the new coach the first time he glanced at him. Guanshan would be interested but he'd overplay it for quite some time till tian gives him a hint and mo then really understands that this is mutual. Theyd start making out after every match theyd won so tian would give his best every single time and momo would sometimes(all the time) watch how he tians slender and muscle bound physique would move c vered in the dirt ...kekeke
A3:he'd try to give him space because he'd be afraid of shewing him away. He'd never forgive himself if he'd lost him so he'd give him some space and would like to talk it out after that a making out session would start
A4:mo would definitely wish seeing his dad more. Maybe even wanting his freedom. After all he'd surely must have had a rough time living without his dad. Now he understands what and why it happened but I'm not sure bout 5hat time. While tian would wish for a friend. Just a friend. Bu5 a real one that is interested in him and not his looks.
A5:there surely is a possibility that they had met. Not only because of the mafia related stuff but also because they live in the same town and go to the same stores...
A6:OF FUCKING COURSE! HE TIAN WOULD BE CHARMED BY HIS NON EXISTING INTEREST. he'd totally see 'her' as a challenge at first and then when it comes out that he's a guy he'd be like "well I'm already in love with you i don't care" and then he'd start devouring him ;)
A7 (idea) think he tian doesn't really give a shit about stuff like that i could seriously imagine him standing there dumbfounded while a ghost appears and he'd look at it directly and mumble something like "i knew they'd exist" so he'd then after snapping a picture take his momo and leave like he entered- without any sign of discomfort and worry lol
A8 (idea) think it would happen in an insignificant unimportant and unimpressive moment for the first time. Someone would have made a totally dumb a d unfunny joke but momo would not be able to contain his laughter. He'd laugh whole-heartedly  and really loud and everyone would just stare including tian because oh boy- what a beautiful laugh 😆 and rare sight- then after having a massive laughflash hed just smile for a bit and his eyes would smile too not only his lips! Tian would ask him to do it again and mo would be like" wtf" and i think tian would be a bit jealous too because its an 'intimate' moment but many people witnessed it
A9:he tian would tell her that he's already in a relationship that can't be compared to any other relationship and that he is happy and has everything hed ever wished .for momo would get all red like a kawaii tomato
A10:his personality! That he is so harsh and tough on the outside but one of the most sensitive oersons ever. He'd especially love that he never thinks about himself even in the worst situations ever- momo is although he seems to be as hard as stone sometimes the most caring person he ever met  and he'd love momos body too of course lolol

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