He was a museum full of art, but people around him had their eyes shut.

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The first time he tian saw guanshan was on the roof top.
School had just started after two weeks of summer holidays, and he tian was not surprised to find out he wasn't the only one skipping the first lesson.
He tians eyes were drawn to the red hair and how it stood out  in front of the light blue, with fluffy clouds covered, sky.
Having only seen the backside of his head tian got lost in thoughts, and soon after the red head had left.

The second time he tian saw guanshan it was around autumn.
Guanshan was surrounded by people, which tian believed to be his friends at that time, and he seemed engrossed in observing all the passing students faces.
His light amber eyes had caught he tians interest in a matter of milliseconds.
The light eyebrows, the high cheekbones and these long golden eyelashes.
Lips, so pink, and the nose so straight.
Hopefully the only straight thing on him, he tian had thought to himself and had chuckled.

From then on tian started looking for the red head in the crowds.
Maybe he would be able to see another expression on his face someday?
Who knows?

The ravenette was stunned by the reputation this handsome boy had.
How could a person this beautiful be able to hurt someone so bad, was he tians question after he had seen a guy, who looked like someone had smushed a hammer with much force into his face.
He apparently got beaten by the ginger.
He does not only looks like a sculpted piece of art, he also is an artist.

He tian noticed that people were avoiding him, his glances and his gang members.
He even heard some girls talk about 'just how fucked up, aggressive and disgusting that ginger is'.

He tian didn't believe his ears when he heard that.

Mo guanshan was a museum full of art, but people around him had their eyes shut.

How could they not see?

But fate chimed in, and tian found himself face to face with the ginger after looking out for jian yi.

This would be his chance, and he would not ruin this opportunity.

He just couldn't.

This was an accident...... i was...uhh...working on some stuff and then....this happened.
But i kinda like this so i posted it anyway!

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