Shifter au part1

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He tian had no luck.
Days passed and he didn't see a single animal passing by.
He was hiding in the self-created bushes, his elbows aching from having to endure the weight from his whole upper body.
His odor was already smelling like the damp leaves that laid there longer than he did.
But still- not a single animal.
It was getting dark again.
How long has he been here again? Three days?-maybe even four.
He wasn't keeping track of the days, after all he was concentrating on the forest ground.
His eyelids fluttered shut.
His breathing slowed down even more.
He opened his eyes.
Nope-still no animals in sight.
It was hard keeping his eyes open.
He once again closed his eyes, only to open them again.
A light nausea overcame him.
He hadn't slept for a few days by then.
He tian felt like he needed a nap.

The sound of heavy breathing and the shuffling of leaves woke him from his deep slumber.
He opened his eyes, only to see-
He aimed and-
That... animal.
It was a fox.
A beautiful fox.
Foxes had always been his favorite animals.
He didn't like the thought of shooting one.

"Brother! Brother look! In my book it says foxes can be white too! I didn't know that, did you?"
"Of course i did."
"Brother! You are so smart. Someday i want to be as smart as you!"

A painful memory flashed across his mind.
Only then he noticed that the foxes fur was tinted red- not only because it was it's natural color but because of the blood gushing out of a big wound.
He tian stood up, the gun and his thick blanket falling to the ground, startling the hurt fox.
With a few quick strides he tian was in front of the hurt fox.
The fox tried crawling away after it's legs stopped carrying it, but the dizziness didn't let it get away from the handsome hunter.
He tian grabbed the fox softly, brought it to his blanket and covered it in it.
But-what was he supposed to do with a wounded fox?

He ended up driving it to a pet vet.
Not one of the best decisions he had made so far, but not one of the worst either.
The wounds were probably done by another fox, judging by the bite marks and the scratches.
He was supposed to bring the fox to a wildlife shelter, but didn't.
Instead he brought it to his apartment.
He knew it was wrong-but couldn't resist.
The thought of having a wild fox as a pet made him smile lightly.
Something that had become rare with the years.

"Guanshan? Where are you?" A worried mother yelled through the house, waking the father from his slumber on the couch.
"Why are you yelling this early in the morning!"
"It's not morning anymore! Its 1pm!! And guanshan didn't come home from yesterday nights trip."
"Did i fell asleep watching the news again? Why didn't you wake me up?"
"That's not important now! I am telling you guanshan still isn't home!"
A long and annoyed sigh came as a response.
"He isn't 13 anymore! He'll come."
"But... what if something happened?" The worried woman joined the man on the couch.
A hand full of calluses was laid on the womans back.
A reassuring gesture.
"You remember the last time he didn't come? He stepped inside the house again after four whole days! In the end he was just spending time with his friends and you were having insomnia."
"You are right. I should not worry so much. I guess i just feel lonely with no one else around except for you... guanshan is no child anymore. I still remember the times he played around in the living room. It just feels like there's something missing."
"We could change that..." the man said flirty, putting on his best lady-killer smile.
"Maybe..." the woman proceeded playfully "after you fix the sink."

He tian bought a dog bed, some food for cats and dogs, a cat tree, a litter box and some fancy looking toys.
After rearranging the things for the third time in the spare room he used to keep some spare clothing in, he raised the temperature on the thermostat.
The fox was sleeping, cuddled up in a few blankets.
He tian had seen many videos of pet foxes on the internet- so why should not he keep a pet fox too?
He'd be a good owner.
No, he'd be the best owner that ever lived on this damn planet!
Disrupting his egoistic self promotion, the fox whimpered slowly.
Yawning, it's eyelids fluttered open.
The fox shot up whimpering more loudly, thanks to the pain it felt.
The fox looked shocked.
Can foxes look shocked?
It slowly build itself up, bending it's back.
A defensive posture.
He tian had read about it in books and on the internet.
It's afraid of something?
'Wait! Of course it's afraid of me!'
He tian stood up and left the room.
After closing the door, he was thankful for having already set up water and food near the foxes bed.
It should rest and adjust to its environment.

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