I was thinking the same- chapter 2

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Running through the empty hallways, while avoiding the few students, guanshan started to sweat.
'What the fuck had just happened! What in chicken balls name was that?!'
Stumbling into the bathroom he immediately looked at himself in the mirrow.
His hands gripped tightly onto the sink, his knuckles whitening.
Had he just witnessed....a confession from tian?
Mo guanshan stared at his reflection in the dirty mirrow.
His usual angry expression fell.
Were these tians thoughts?
What made him able to read minds like that?!
"I must be dreaming..." the redhead muttered.
He straightened his back and let out a shaky breath.
It must have been his imagination...or...was he losing his sanity?
Turning on the faucet and cupping his hands to wash his face, his mind was full of doubts of the situation he had been in just minutes prior.
Having finished wetting his face and drying it off afterwards, he stepped out of the bathroom for the male students, that was next to the one for the female students, only to lock eyes with a brown haired girl.
Her long brown hair was falling wavy as she played around with it, twirling it between her fingers.
'Oh! It's that red head delinquent! Look away! The last thing you need now is more problems!"
Guanshan averted his eyes.
He wasn't imagining it.
He was freaking out while trying to keep his cool.
He walked past the girl when he heard her voice again.
'Damn! He's so hot though! I wish he'd have an approachable attitude! Totally my type!'
Guanshan stopped abruptly, stopping the girls train of thoughts.
'Oh fuck! Did he notice my staring?'
Mo turned around to face the girl slowly, keeping his usual scowl.
This is the perfect opportunity to test out if what he was hearing were real thoughts.
His voice thick with awkwardness he spoke.
"Would you want to grab something to eat with me? Ehm...please?"
'Oh my god! What is going on! He seems so nice all of the sudden? This is my chance!'
"Oh...sure! I'd love to!"
'Don't blush! Don't blush! Don't blush!'
Her cheeks reddened as she dreamily started smiling while guanshan was aghast.
He wasn't just imagining things! This ...this was real! A new found ability...or power that he could use in so, soooo many cruel ways.
A dark small grin etched on his lips.
'Oh! Now he looks kinda scary?'
Guanshan turned and simply left the girl, letting her stand alone dumbfounded.
'Shouldn't he ask for my number or....?'

It was a hot day and the blue cloudless sky was bright only accentuating his rare excited mood.
The red head planned to live his life with this ability the best he could!
He would use it everywhere he'd go, doesnt matter when or on who!
And of course, the ginger had already realized that this new found power would be somehow linked to the ring he had received yesterday.
But why did this man think of it as something disposable? What kind of magic treasure was this ring anyway?

Luckily, his mother was absent, working.
He entered his room in a hurry, taking out his old hp laptop.
Guanshan had bought that thing from a retail store and because it was a very old model and someone decided a 'my little pony' sticker would look good on it, it was very cheap.
So cheap that guanshan actually could buy it with the savings from 4 months.
Clicking through all the open websites he found a new tap and started typing in the unintelligible sentence that was engraved on the rings side.

No results

After translating the sentence all the letters suddenly made sense.

"Gedanken sind die einzige Privatsphäre die dir blieben, richtig?"

"Thoughts were the only kind of privacy that you had left, right?"

German. It was german. After copying and pasting the sentence into the google search bar, he still didn't find any new information.
This ring must be something magical?
A magical treasure kept hidden from the world.
He should keep it that way if he didn't want to lose this new ability.
A smile of pure mischief spreading on his face.
This would open new chances and opportunities for him, guanshan was sure.
But all that only made him more confused about the behavior of the guy who had gifted him the small golden object.
Guanshans phone buzzed in his pocket.
Taking it out only to see that he had received multiple messages from the ravenette he had left alone.
‚I guess it's time for an explanation.'

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