Teach me- part1

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After miss Liang went crazy and stalked her ex-husbands new wife, sending packages with peculiar threats and even a dead rat in one of them, she had left the city in a hurry, leaving behind a whole class of students which had survived the entire last year thanks to her extraordinarily good extra tutoring lessons and encouragement.

"She's gone....How could she leave us without even saying goodbye?" xiao hui sighed in contrast to her indifferent expression as she inspected the current state of her gel nails.

"I thought we meant something to her." cuntou, who was known as the class clown, guanshans best friend and generally called and addressed as 'buzzcut' clasped his hands together. He sent a silent prayer up to the almighty god who looked over us. He pleaded, may we get a good substitute teacher, please... and don't let my english exam be a D again, with a sorrowful expression and a wrinkled forehead.

Guanshan wasn't disappointed like his classmates were, but she was the one teacher he detested the least AND she had been the biggest help in trying to survive this hellride called last year of highschool, plus he'd been doing rather good in comparison to other years.

much better

Well - p o o f and she was gone; disappeared into thin air, just like his hopes of graduating high school.

All that because she didn't like being confronted with the legal consequences of her actions... in a strange and fucked up way mo guanshan understood her.

The redhead, already accepting that he would fail half of his classes, found the principals speech not only uninteresting, as he had already filtered out the information he needed, but also non-essential.

He was staring out the window when the principals tone suddenly became slightly higher and a knock could be heard. The substitute for miss Liang entered the classroom slowly, but with confident steps. His gaze wandered from face to face, inspecting the students expressions with a tranquil pair of deep gray eyes and a wide, professional smile. Dark raven hair was skillfully gelled back on the sides of his head. A white button-down shirt that was rather tight around his well formed upper body and big back. And perhaps the best tailored black trousers guanshan has ever seen, hugging the teachers athletic thighs and ass perfectly.

"Hot damn."

Guanshan couldn't tell who had broken the silence, but he was pretty sure that person had spoken out the thoughts of every single one in this classroom.

The redhead involuntarily bit on his lower lip, trying to process the fact that he had to withstand such a presence for the next six months of his life without melting into a wobbly mess, but judging from his classmates faces he wasn't the only one thinking that.

The principal swiftly gave control over to the substitute teacher, said her goodbyes and left to whatever meeting she had to attend next.

"My name" the handsome substitute teacher took a piece of chalk from under the chalkboard and started writing on it, "is He." He had a beautiful and extravagant hand writing, not the kind that was illegible, like his former art teacher had, who was so messy that he had lost assignments from his students on many occasions.

He glanced around, catching many students staring dreamily at him, when his gaze stopped on guanshan. He smiled softly and guanshan felt his cheeks getting hotter. The redhead looked away quickly and stared out the window with a deep frown on his pretty face.

"I'll be responsible for you the next few months. If you happen to be struggling in any subject, let me know. I'd be happy to be of help or find someone who can help, as I don't consider myself an artist, nor a mathematical genius. Of course, if you can't seem to find a solution for a problem in your private life, you can in that case ask me for help too."

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