Shifter au part7

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Guanshans vision was blurry, as if a layer of thick fog had nested inside his skull.
His body was tense-he felt strange.
This unfamiliar feeling-this agitated state his body was in.
The ginger didn't feel like himself.
Had a parasite found the way inside him?
Was an alien controlling his body?
And why was he feeling so happy?
Opening his eyes, he looked around.
His hands were tied up again- and this smell.
This odor.
She lis odor.
He trembled when he was touched.
"Oh guanshan" the white haired alpha stroked a strand of short red hair from the omegas forehead "You'll be mine. Soon! So soon! We have to change our plan though. We will fly to my hideout in Cannes! France! Fancy, don't you think? Just a few minutes, shan. The helicopter is being prepared."
"Sh..she li."
"Yes, my love."
With the last bit of willpower and consciousness guanshan mumbled.
"Fuck you."
"Naughty, naughty. These words hurt, you know?"
The white haired males expression twisted into one of distress, anger and malice.
"Guanshan, you still don't get it. You're mine now. You'll do as i say or-"
"Or what?"
She lis slender fingers clawed guanshans throat lightly, his other hand caressed the gingers face.
"Shanshan~ why are you so different than the rest? You always were so- so breathtaking. Hn?" She lis hand disappeared from his throat.
His thumb stroked over guanshans pale features.
His straight nose, his light eyebrows and these amber eyes that shined golden in the light of the afternoon sun.
All this time, all these hours spent into this relationship and in the end it doesn't even matter.
This obsession.
This sick obsession.

'Hey, you!'
'My name is she li. What's your name?'
'Why should i tell you?'
'Why not?...oh wait? Do you think I'll tell a teacher that you're skipping? It's okay! I'm skipping too~'
The light haired teens golden eyes shined with curiosity.
'I'm not telling you.'
'Then i guess i will ask the teachers if-'
'Geez. It's mo guanshan. Now scram.'
The ginger supported on the railing of the small roof top of the school, looking down to the courtyard.
She lis hand ruffled through the gingers hair, when the red head slapped it off.
'What the fuck- why are you so close all of the sudden!?!'
'You seem interesting. How about you tell me something about yourself?'
The gingers eyes flashed.
She li was astounded.
These brown and amber eyes had turned lighter in just a few seconds.
What kind of magic was that?
'Are you free today?'
'Free-? No? Fuck off! Are you deaf?'

'Haa! I won! Eat this, you fucker!'
'Guanshan! You are so good at this!'
She li smirked, content.
Why was the red head so perfect.
Sprawled out on his bed, the ginger looked attractive.
She li found himself being drawn to him.
How he longed for the omegas romantic attention.
'You shut off an offer from a cute beta today, huh?'
'Not interested.'
'You aren't interested in anyone or anything as it seems, guanshan.'
'Imma die alone and proud of it.'
'But why? You could basically choose anyone you want to?'
'Why would i? What would a relationship do? I'm fine by myself.'
'Wouldn't it be great to wake up next to a person you love? Every single day?'
'Nah. I'm just fine by myself, as i said. I don't need a mate.'
'But don't you want to be mated?'
'Mating is just a shitty excuse to tie someone up. I wanna have my freedom.'
'Freedom?' She li mumbled.

Stomping through the forest, jian yi heard the branches and leaves ruttle under his steps.
His huffing and breathing got more intense with every second.

- sorry its a short one i am preparing for a french exam which i will fuck up hehe wish me luck im dying send someone who is fluent in french thanks for reading bye byeeeeee 👋

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