Body swap (request) part 1 (of 2)

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~Wednesday evening~

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~Wednesday evening~

"Look at this one!" Jian yi held a dusty book in his hands. Rummaging through his mothers collection has always been much fun for the blonde. It seemed like mrs jians special and hidden ability was finding weird and bizarre books to collect.

Scanning the cover with a look of pure disbelief made guanshan, who was seated on the hardwood floor with closed eyes moments ago, raise an eyebrow. The redhead coughed due to the dust in the air from when jian yi had accidentally pushed a stack of old books over.

"You aren't getting sick are you?" He tian elbowed guanshan softly. Zhengxi who had been searching for any kind of preoccupation between all the dusty shelves then turned to face the object his childhood friend held.

"What is it about?" Zhengxis monotone voice filled the small 'storage' room.

"Hmm...Let's go to the living room and eat a few snacks and find out!" The blonde pointed in the direction of the door. Zhengxi sighed while picturing jian yi on a stage doing the exact same pose. He always tended to be very....dramatic.

Once they had made themselves comfortable on the big sofa in the living room zhengxi had brought a few bowls of snacks. Putting them onto the small table in front of the tv he noticed the obscene sign on the books back.

"Sit down and relax! I'll read out loud okay?!" Jian yi snapped the book open, observing the random page he landed on. Meanwhile he tian took the bowl of popcorn on his lap winking at the red head with malice.
He knew that popcorn was guanshans favorite...and now guanshan had to inch closer to the ravenette whenever he wanted some.

"Ohhh! Now that's what i call interesting!" The blonde put his hands together in amazement.

"What the fuck is it even about?" The ginger asked after clicking his tongue.

"I have no idea!" Jian yis shone. Grinning from one ear to the other, he let his finger fall on a line on the random page he had opened the book.

"Hey....i swear.. if this is some kind of sick voodoo shit.. imma quit."

"Oh? Why would you? Are you by any chance afraid of-" he tian couldn't finish his sentence when he was disrupted by zhengxi.

"I am not a big fan of voodoo, black magic and these kind of things, too."

A hidden glance of respect was send to the brunette.

"See? It's normal to dislike dangerous things."
He tian made a grimace.
"I never considered myself normal anyway. Otherwise i wouldn't be such a special-"

"I swear if you-"

"Guys! Look at this!" Jian yi raised the book high in the air in disbelief.
Except for He tian who took a fist full of popcorn and devoured it swiftly, filling the room with a crunchy noise, no one moved an inch.

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