The artist and the nude model

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Guanshans pencil was flicking across the paper.
A heavy cloud of pure concentration was surrounding him.
Thick fog that no one could break through.
He was doing what he was best at.
The ginger had started many years ago.
He still remembered how hard it was to get this good.
His eyes trailed onto the models lean body.
People were chatting while drawing.
Only their murmurings and the sounds of pencils scraping on paper could be heard.
Guanshan first started drawing in these lessons on his twenty second birthday.
It was awkward in the beginning, but with the time he got used to seeing naked people.
The diversity of the bodies had always surprised him.
We all had the same kind of muscles and bones, but look totally different.
His interest was growing with every new model he was able to draw, but lately...his class had only got one model.
For the last two weeks.
Two weeks.
He shouldn't be complaining because this model had the most perfect body he had ever seen.
Guanshan was nearly finished with his drawing.
It only needed to be shaded a bit more.
He gripped the pencil and flatly put it's tip on the spot where he had drawn the sartorius, he shaded the tibialis anterior and let his eyes roam to the black haired models body.
He had a beautiful trapezius, well-shaped bizeps and the bump of the gastrocnemius was excellent.
The external obliques were breathtaking, so was the left latissimus dorsi.
Nobody could deny that this model had the body of a greek god.
Disturbing guanshans train of thoughts, the supervisor suddenly spoke up.
"Time's up!" She smiled widely "He tian! Please come back next week! Or whenever you can. We'd be happy to see you again."
She spoke without a trace of discomfort to the, by then half dressed, man.
The models eyes flickered to guanshans.
The girls were swooning around him already, like they have been the last two weeks.
Guanshan packed his bag and silently inspected his drawing.
He had improved.
Only a few people were still inside the room when the ginger passed the threshold.
He noticed that the model had already left too... not because he was looking for him but he just accidentally seemed to notice.
With quick strides he left the building, not caring if the other people will think of him as rude.
He wasn't there to make friends after all.
When he had reached the courtyard of the university that offered his favorite lessons, that black haired model appeared out of nowhere and began walking next to him.
"Hello!" The ravenette chimed, his voice full of happiness and enthusiasm.
Guanshan stopped dead in his tracks.
Was he talking to him?
"You're in that class right? My name is he tian by the way! Nice to meet you."
He extended a hand.
Guanshan shook it, sparing him the awkwardness.
His hand felt warm and although his hand looked rough, no calluses could be discovered when guanshans palm grazed his.
"..yes." he admitted with knitted eyebrows.
He tians dark eyes met his amber ones for, what felt like the, thirty-first time this week.
"And what's your name?" He tian asked not stopping his staring.
"Mo Guanshan." He whispered, shocked by the careless and easy going attitude of the gorgeous man in front of him.
"That's a beautiful name."
"I was wondering if you'd like to grab a coffee with me sometime?"
"Sure."-wait what!
Had he just approved without thinking about it?
"Great! Then how about now?" He tians face was beaming.
"Ehm.. actually.." the black haired man raised his eyebrows.
no- it was too late to back out now.
"I have nothing to do anyways..let's go"
A broad smile escaped the handsome mens lips, a row of straight white teeth appearing.
God- was everything about this guy perfect?
It seemed like.. he'd soon find out.

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