Unrequited love

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"Why??" The redheads tone was desperate as he clawed the leather couch he was currently seated in.

"You're clearly drunk, Guanshan." He Tians tone was light hearted as he smiled at the redhead sitting opposite to him.

"Does that mean that you don't like me? Do you hate me? Am I that ugly? Is it my hair-it's gotta be my-" he fussed about his insecurities, his gaze constantly flicking from the wooden floor to He Tians eyes and back, drowning out his two friends. The redheads cheeks were growing hotter and he soon found himself with his head in his hands, slightly nauseated.

"Guanshan-no, wait-"

"This is all bullshit! I am single and you are single and we are both in the right mind to consent and we could sneak out n-now and-"

"He tian is not single and you're drunk as FUCK." Jian Yi cried out with amusement in his voice "He certainly isn't single and by the way you aren't, too."

"Y-you-re ...you're n-not?" His voice quivered as thick tears formed at his eyes.

"I thought we could've- we would've- I thought you liked me?" Hurt was written across the redheads face.

"I still want you though... I thought you liked me back?!"

"Think about He Tians fiancée!" Jian Yi coaxed him, putting a hand on his shoulder blade and rubbing it in circles.

"I'm gonna rip that motherfucker apart." Mo Guanshans dark expression only underlined his seriousness. The redhead was ready for a bitch fight to the death when He Tian glared at the blonde before him and let out a long sigh.

"Hakuna your tatas, momo!" Jian Yi added.

"Why'd you think that giving Guanshan so many tequilas was a good idea?!"

"It's fun! He always gets riled up about the dumbest things!"

"So this is amusing to you?" He Tians gaze was ice cold as Jian Yi yippied out an answer.

"Hey! I'm only messing with him! This is just a joke! He's gonna laugh about it himself when he's sober!"

Finally Guanshan jumped into He Tians arms, letting out a long cry, muffled by He Tians shirt. Guanshan burrowed his head in the crook of his his neck and cried.

"W-why are you taken if we CLEAAARLYY are meant to be together."

"Oh, I'd love to hear that when you're sober."

"I think ...i wanna be a-alone for a bit...!"

The redhead spat and started an attempt at running to the bathroom.

In an effort to talk Guanshan out of it He Tian retorted sharply.

"I'm never letting you drink again! Guanshan come back! Unlock the door!" The black haired man followed Guanshan to the door, but The redhead was quicker and shut the door too swiftly for He Tian to sneak in.

"Go fuck your ....fiancée!" Guanshan yelled through the door.

The black haired man knocked on the white bathroom door and put his hands flat against it when he loudly declared, partly hopeful his words would reach him.

"You're my fiancée!"

"...wha-at?" His drowned out voice mumbled incoherently quiet.

"Guanshan, I am in a relationship with you! How could you forget that!" He Tian rolls his eyes at that and patiently waited for his boyfriend to come out of the bathroom.

"But Jian Yi said-"

"Jian Yi is an idiot." Zhan Zhengxi eventually stated loud enough for the redhead to hear. Seemingly unaffected by the whole ordeal the brunette was leaning against the kitchen counter with an apathetic gaze on his handsome face.

In an instant the door was unlocked and Guanshan threw himself into his boyfriends embrace.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"But I did!"

"I couldn't forgive you if you left me! I'd rather hold you captive in my basement than let you go!" Guanshans angry eyes glowed menacingly.

"What the fuck, Guanshan?! I'm never leaving you! Did you forget our promise?" He tian was able to calm his boyfriend down in just a matter of seconds.

"I have to be honest... if you liked someone else I'd be heartbroken- but I'd let you leave if that meant that you'd be happier."

"Don't talk such crap! I'd never- EVER leave you!"

Guanshans red rimmed eyes stared He Tian directly into the soul as he spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

"I love you" the redhead repeated anxiously "I love you."

"I love you too, but promise to never get so drunk again you forget our relationship."

"W-we're in a .....r-relation.....ship?"

He Tians content expression fell as he muttered enraged.

"There we go again. I was gone for fifteen minutes to buy snacks- how the hell did you manage to get this drunk?! Jian yiiiii!"


This is a short one lol I imagine mo to be a stuttering mess when drunk (also the very emotional type of drunk lolol) and he tian to be very calm and even more introverted than possible! What do y'all think?

I currently have two chapters of 'teach me' already written out (each about 5000 words)... I just need to correct some of the grammar mistakes I did and let my proofreader read them! (Probably still add some details and jokes) then I'll post them! So prepare your asses for some (without spoiling too much) development in relationships (Plural heheheheh) and some drama lololololol :)

As always thanks for reading and hit me up with any requests ;)

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