Chapter 7

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We just got to the Hotel, and I share a room with Hayes and Max. This is gonna be fun, since they put 3 almost all 14 year olds in the same room, the 3 kids who use to always prank their older siblings. "So...what do you guys want to do?" I asked plopping down on one of the beds. "I don't know watch Tv." Max asked "i think she ment pranks." "Correct Mr. Grier." "We should make the shower in Nash and Mia's room run syrup or something sticky instead of water." I said already getting the stuff we need to do so out of my bag.

"Oh yeah, MJH is back!" Max cheered and we did our old handshake. "I swear we look like normal kids, but the pranks we do don't match us at all." Max said laughing evilly. And the best part is that no one has ever figured out that it was us. "We need more though...hmmm...Fake poop?" I asked looking at Max cause that's his specialty. He got up, and ran to the bathroom, coming back few minutes later with fake poop. Since they were downstairs waiting for everyone else, we snuck into their room, and just filled the room with a ton of little pranks. "Tooth paste oreos?" "check." "Poop near bathtub?" "check." "Syrup in shower head?" "check." "Mayo filled doughnuts?" "Check." Mia is a fatty, so we put all of her favorite snacks in the room filled with nasty things, like a bag of chips with a fake bug in it, and a 'finger' in a cake, that bleeds when you cut through it, but it's just strawberry syrup.

"And...we are done, let's go before they come back." Hayes said letting me jump on his back, then we quickly ran to our room. "3,2,1...." I was counting down until Mia started screaming hahaha yas! "EW! WHAT IS THAT!" I heard Nash scream. Their room is across from ours, which means we can enjoy their pain kinda. *Text message sound*

I looked at my phone to see that both Jacob and Melanie texted me, and an unknown #.

M=Melanie J=Jacob JP=Justine Un=Unknown

M: Hey, tell me when you land.

M:did you land yet?

M:Text me.

M:I really need to talk to you.

JP: What's up bae? sorry we were doing something.

M: Sean asked me out what do i do?

J: Uh, idk, do you like him like that?

M: Idk, i'll just tell him to give me time to think.

J: okay, gtg bye love you

M:bye ilyt


J: Hey, text me when you can.

JP: Hey Jakey poo

J: What's up Justiney?

JP: Uh nothing.

J: You pranked someone didn't you.

JP: Idk what you are talking about.

J: of course you don't

JP: Wyd?

J: Texting you, breathing, wbu?

JP: Same, plus i'm listening to Mia and Nash scream.

J: I knew it! You pranked them!

JP: Hmm idk what you mean, they just started screaming for no reason.

J: Oka, well i gtg ily bye.

JP: Bye Jakey!


Un: I know where you live.

JP: Where?

Un: That didn't creep you out?

JP: Nope

Un: Do you know who i am?

JP: Nope

Un: Well guess

JP: Do i know you?

Un: I hope so

JP: Do you go to my school?

Un: No

JP: well i give up

Un: Seriously?

JP: Yeah, i really don't care.

Un: aren't you wondering how i have your number?

JP: No, my brother, or friends could have gave it to you

Un: You're seriously not gonna even try to guess?

JP: Correct.

Un: It's Jack Johnson.

JP: Cool.

JJ: Are you not a fan or?

JP: No, i am, i'm just not really paying attention, Nash and my sister are screaming and it's hilarious.

JJ:Why are they screaming?

JP: I've said too much.

I put my phone on the charger, and just as i sat on the bed, Nash and Mia knocked on our door. "Yes?" Max asked opening the door, then laughing when he saw them. "Have you checked your shower yet?" Mia asked "No, why?" Hayes asked acting oblivious. "Cause ours only pours out syrup not water." "Oh okay, well bye!" I said while trying to hold in my laugh. "Ah sh*t..." "ooh! Nash said a bad word!" I yelled pointing at him. "The guys are going to be here soon ugh!"

He ran out of the room with Mia, and right when the door closed we bursted out laughing. "They are so clueless." Max said then he got a call. "Hello?" "Hey, sorry i'm not home, i wont be home for a couple days." "W-What?" He had Tears streaming down his cheeks, he went from Happy to sad in a matter of seconds. Who called him, and why is he crying?

Hello my Amazing readers, how's life? Anyone want to date one of the guys? or be Justine's friend or something? I need....

Justine's Enemy:

Any of the guy's girlfriends:

Max's girlfriend:

and a couple of fans that they meet i guess:

ILYGSM!!!!! -Justine

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now