chapter 18

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Hayes' Pov...(Babe!)

I woke up at 6am to Justine screaming(They're next to each others), i bursted into her room, and she was crying, but she was still asleep. I remember for awhile after Kyson died Justine would always have nightmares that the guy would come back for us. I laid down next to her and pulled her closer to me and tried to calm her down like i use to.

It worked, and i ended up falling asleep with her in my arms. I woke up again to Nash and Matt taking pictures and just being loud and obnoxious. "Get out!" I whisper yelled. I'm honesty really surprised that Justine didn't wake up. "Haha get ready, my girlfriend is gonna be here in half an hour." Matt said smiling.

"Ugh whatever. Justine, wake up." I said shaking her, which was a fail, cause she ended up pushing me off of the bed. "Ow!" "Sorry Benjamin." She said yawning(I actually yawned as i wrote that). "It's okay." I got up, then started walking towards the door. "Wait." I turned around, and Justine had her arms raised like a little kid wanting to be carried. I rolled my eyes, then picked her up bridal style then put her down infront of her closet. 

"I love you Hayes!" "Love you too Renee." She giggled, then i went into my room. I'm currently only wearing shorts. I just laid down on my bed and check all of my social media. On instagram, someone tagged me and Justine in an edit of us asleep this morning. 'I thought she was dating someone else, That one boy that was a guest to Magcon.' 'She is, she was having a nightmare earlier this morning, so i went into her room and calmed her down, then fell asleep.'

Justine's pov...

I picked out a yellow pink and blue ombre crop top that said 'never stop dreaming' with an all black mickey mouse head. I grabbed a pair of black shorts, then changed and walked into Hayes' room cause the door was opened. "What's up?" I asked laying down next to him. "Oh, you know Stupid fans making up lies."

"About me?" I said sadly. "About us." "Let me see." He handed me his phone, and i read the caption and most of the comments. a couple really stuck out. 'Idiot, they are like brother and sister, they have know each other since Hayes was born.' 'If this is a fan account, why are you hating on someone that means the world to Hayes?' 'Stop hating on her, she's had enough these past 3 years at her school.' I made Hayes follow them, then he went to his closet and put on a random t-shirt.

"Justine! Hayes!" Nash yelled up the stairs. "Matt said his Girlfriend is coming over." "Yeah, i know." He looked at me confused "I wasn't asleep." "Oh!" I just laughed then jumped onto his back. We got to the living room, and a girl with Dirty Blonde hair and blue eyes. "Guys this is Jessica." "Hi." "Hey." It was kinda awkward cause Hayes and I barely ever meet new people, so it's just a little weird for us.

"Jessica, this is Nash, Hayes, and Justine." "It's nice to meet you." She smiled at us, which we returned. "*Max screams* What the hell is that?!" Hayes and I started bursting out laughing. "What did you do?" Nash asked. "We don't do pranks on eachother...what did you do?" We said in unison looking at Nash. "Nothing, it wasn't me." 

"JUSTINE! BENJAMIN! WHERE ARE YOU!!" Thank god we are the only people home. "Max, we didn't do it." "Who else plays pranks on people?" "You." We said as he walked down the stairs covered in slime. It was like a puke green with red spots. "Ugh, go take a shower...or 20." I said plugging my nose. 

He ran up the stairs and locked himself in the bathroom. "Hamilton what did you do?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. "Oh you know, put rotten food in a bucket, made it into slime, then put it over his bed, so when he sits up it would tip over and cover him in the slime." "Why do you guys keep calling eachother by different names?" Jessica asked "Oh, well their real names are Hamilton and Benjamin, so i call them by both, and sometimes when i call Hayes, Hayes he calls me Renee, cause it's my middle name."

"Oh...that makes sense." "Yup, oh an dNash, you are such a copycat." "what do you mean?" "We did that prank on you and Mia when we were 5." Nash's cheeks turned red with embarrassment. "3 5 year olds pulled a prank on you?" Matt asked laughing. "No, it was 4." "Max, Justine, Hayes, who else?" "Jacob, they use to be MdoubleJH, now they are ust MJH." 

"How could they prank you?" "have you met them? They are demon spawns." "Yes, i have met them, Hayes and Max might be, but Justine is too nice." They just kept arguing over how evil we are, while we just stood there laughing. Jessica was so confused. *Knock* *Knock* I opened the door to be attacked by a now 13 year old Jaidyn. (I's her birthday today.) 

"I missed you so much!" She squealed hugging me tighter. "I missed you too." We let go, then she ran to Hayes and hugged him. "Has!" "Jai!" He swung her around, and just as i was closing the door, i was stopped by Jacob's foot. "Jake!" Jaidyn yelled running to him then hugging him. "Hey Jaidyn, how have you been?" "Good." "That's good"

"Jessica this is Jaid...." Matt got inturrupted by Max screaming. "Jaidyn!" He came running down the stairs in only underwear. We all just bursted out laughing. "What?" "Your not wearing pants." looked down, then looked up laughing. "Brothers." Jaidyn said shaking her head. "He's your boyfriend." "But he's your brother." 

"Max go put some pants on now!" Jaidyn and i said in unison. He laughed then ran to his room. "As i was saying this is Jaidyn and Jacob, and that was Max." "How old are you guys?" Jessica asked "Max, Jacob, Justine and Hayes are 14, and Jaidyn just turned 13." Nash answered for us. "Okay, i'm 15." I like her, she seems pretty cool.

"Thanks." I looked up at her confused at first then i realized i just said that out loud. my cheeks turned red. "Aw, babe, you're adorable when you blush." Jacob said kissing my cheek. "Aw, Relationship Goals!" Jessica yelled making everyone look at her. She just awkwardy stood there.

"Sorry, you guys are just really cute!" "It's fine." I said laughing. "We're all so mean." Jacob said laughing too. "Hey, anyone else know how to pennyboard?" I asked grabbing mine from the closet. "I do." Jessica said smiling. "Awesome, wanna go for a ride to the park while Max and Jaidyn are running behind us?" "Sure." Everyone who had a pennyboard grabbed theirs, then we left.

Happy 13TH Birthday Jaidyn!!!!!! I hope your day was amazing! Everyone go follow @Dallasloves3, her books are amazing. ILYGSM! I get to meet Hayes on May 6th!!! I'm so happy. 

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