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The sequel is now up! it's call 'I got my heart stolen by Benjamin Hayes Grier' 

I also may have wrote a little bit about my life...Jaidyn would understand it...I wish you were here...god i swear she is so stupid! i mean seriously? there were little kids in the house. a 1 year old especially, he doesn't need to see or hear that! And i swear if our roles were reversed i wouldn't have attacked her, i would have let it go! I am way more mature than's sad cause i'm almost a full year younger than her. And of course their whole family put the blame on me...Hmm...and you wonder why i hate you all? We have a Bitch, a 12 year old that acts like a 1 year old...the one year old got into less things than him, a 9 year old who is turning into her seriously? your sister doesn't have a personality she can't even think for herself, she is horrible, and then you have a 5 year old that still acts like a baby, you can barely understand her. My half sister is 3 the only reason I can't understand her is because she speaks Spanish and i only know English...same with our 5 year old brother. You can actually understand the one year old more, and he still kinda talks like a baby.

Sorry...rant over! love you guys! -Justine (Jai Bae)

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