Chapter 27

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For the rest of the night, Hayes and i just laid in my bed talking. "Do you guys want anything to eat?" Nash asked. "No." We said in unison sadly. "Come on guys, you need to eat." "We don't wanna!" I whined. 

"I don't care, you need to eat!" He stormed out of the room and came back moments later with a bowl of yogurt. "If you are not going to eat on your own, i will feed you." Nash said sternly. I grabbed my pillow and covered my face throwing my body backwards. 

Nash lifted my body up and literally force fed me, then we did the same to Hayes. "If i throw up, i'm throwing up in your bed." I mumbled as i laid back down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Hayes' Pov...

Justine fell asleep, so after Nash left, i went to the bathroom and did my business, then laid down with Justine in my arms. I just laid there playing with her hair and staring at her peaceful face. You would probably think that i fell asleep, but you're wrong, i stayed up most of the night trying to decide if i should really leave, or stay.

I really don't want to leave her, i've left her alone for far too long, but i have to go. I kiss her forehead then slowly fall asleep.


Next day....

I wake up and Justine is gone, she's probably taking a shower. I walk into my room and get dressed for the day. I walk downstairs to see Jess and Matt cuddled up on the couch sleeping, and Johnson on the other couch playing on his phone.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I hopped up onto the counter and started eating. When i was halfway done with my cereal, Justine walked in and did the same. She stood instead of sitting on the counter though. Today actually feels like a normal day, even though it's not.

I puckered my lips and slightly kicked Justine, she looked up at me and smiled. She leaned in and pecked my lips. "I love you." She said pulling away. "I love you too." i said setting my bowl down, and pulling her back. 

Her lips are so soft, so i'm always happy to kiss her. The kiss turned into a little make out session, until Jack pulled Justine away. We all just started laughing. "You guys are cute we all get it, you don't need to show it anymore." Jack said. We both stuck our tongues out at him, then i picked Justine up. 

She pecked my lips then rested her head on my shoulder. Johnson rolled his eyes then left. I grabbed both mine and Justine's bowls, then washed them out and put them in the dishwasher, still holding her. "I'm going to miss you." Justine mumbled into my neck, then gave me a kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you too babe." I put her down, then kiss her lips, nose, then forehead. We go upstairs and watch Teen Wolf. We are only watching Teen Wolf, cause Every Witch Way isn't on TV yet. I'm going to miss her reactions to both shows. She's just so adorable about it.

A/N: Someone save me! Jaidyn? can i live under your bed? or something like that? People that i hate are in my house, and are staying the night...shoot me now! At least i have my sister/friend (She's 9) She's really skinny, so it's really fun to dance with her. Love ya -Justine

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now