Chapter 14

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Today is the first event, and i decided to give away only two of my tickets, so i quickly got dressed then walked into the starbucks that was down the street. I saw two girls one was about 14 years old, and the other was probably 15. "Hey, I was wondering if you girls liked Magcon." I said walking up to them, and their eyes lit up when i said Magcon. 

"We love them, we wish we could go to the even today, but we don't have tickets." The older one said sadly. "Well today is your lucky day, because i have 2 tickets for today." "You're just going to give them to us?" "Yeah, i don't need them." "Omg thank you so much!" They both hugged me, then i left.

I checked instagram to see that they posted a pic, so i followed them. On both my Insta and Hayes', yes i know he didn't really follow them, but still, in a way he did. 

"Hey, Justine um...are you gonna be on stage with us, or hang out with Jaidyn in the crowds?" Max asked as I walked into the lobby. "I'll hang out with Jaidyn.'' "Okay." "Hey, you know what you guys should do." "What?" "Bring us up onto stage, but pretend that you don't know us at all." "Ooh great idea.''

"Duh it's a great idea, I came up with it." He just laughed. We both went back to our room, to kill time before we had to leave for Magcon. "I LOVE YOU JUSTINE!" "I LOVE YOU TOO HAYES!" "I LOVE YOU JUSTINE!" "I LOVE YOU TOO JACOB!" Max and Jaidyn are just video taping us yell at each other lke idiots.

"Guys, we have to go now." Hayes said looking at his phone. "Jaidyn and I are going to wait with the other fans, so we will see you soon." "Okay." Hayes said hugging me, then Jacob hugged me and kissed me. Then they left, we have like 30 more minutes until it starts, so we decided to change our clothes.

I'm wearing my Tylor Caniff crop top, high waisted jean shorts, and my Matt Espinosa Beanie. Jaidyn changed into her Hayes Grier sweatshirt, and shorts. "Well, let's go." We grabbed our tickets, then walked to the event. There are a lot of girls here, I'm going to text Nash when we get in so they will know where we are.

We finally got to where we are going to be, and Hayes, Jacob and Max are looking for us. Hayes found us and smiled, then he whispered something to the guys. "Hey guys! how are you today?" Taylor asked walking on stage everyone started screaming. He asked a question why are they screaming? "Well, as you can see we have two guests with us. Max Phillips and Jacob Martin." They smiled and wave at the fans. 

"Oh my god they are so hot!" The girl next to me said. "Woo Jacob! I love you Max!" Jaidyn and I yelled and they blew kisses to us. "Oh my god you girls are so lucky!" "I guess." Jaidyn said acting like nothing happened. "Two hot boys just blew kisses to you, and you aren't fangirling or anything?" "Yeah."

"Okay, so we are going to call two fans up on stage." Nash yelled winking at Jaidyn and I. He looked through the crowds pretending to be searching for two fans, then picked us. We ran up to the stage, and Jacob and Max helped us up.

I hugged Max and he kissed my forehead. Then i hugged Jacob, and he kissed my lips, Max did the same to Jaidyn and all of the fans freaked out. "Okay, so this was kinda all planned out, this is Justine and Jaidyn." Hayes said as i jumped onto his back. "Justine is my best friend, and if you ever heard of MJH which is a pranking channel on YouTube, she's the girl, Max is the older boy, and I'm the other one." 

"Justine also sings." Nash added. "No i don't!" "Yes you do stop lyin'." Matt said making everyone laugh. "Oh, and if you couldn't tell Jacob and I are both Dating Justine and Jaidyn." Max said with his arms still wrapped around Jaidyn's waist. They are so cute together. "Okay, who wants Justine to sing!" Shawn screamed and i gave him a death glare.


It's now time for the meet and greet, and Jaidyn and I got into line first, and we are going to let a couple girls infront of us go then we will sneak up on Max and Jacob. We walked up behind them, Jaidyn kissed Max, and I hopped onto Jacob's back, which caused him to freak out until he noticed it was me.

"God Justine, you scared the hell out of me." "Good." I jumped off of his back, then went down the line and took pictures with the guys, so i can make everyone jealous at my school. A lot of the fans were giving me nasty looks, and i literally dropped to the floor and started crying.

Hayes ran over to me and engulfed me into a hug. " girl, it's alright." He whispered trying to calm me down. I just hurts to know that where ever i go i will always have people give me dirty looks. He picked me up like a little kid and took me outside.

"It's all my fault." Mason said walking out of the buliding behind us. "If i haden't bullied her, and made everyone at our school hate her, she probably wouldn't be crying." "It's not just you, it's the fans, they don't get it, they think that they can just judge everyone we are with, which is wrong, it's just bullying."


The guys ended up stopping the meet and greet, and started talking to the fans about their behavior, and about my life, so they would just stop acting the way that they do. And Hayes took me back to our room. I ended up just falling asleep.

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now