Chapter 25

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Justine's Pov...

I woke up and my room was dark, i check the time and it was 4 am. Ugh! i hate waking up in the middle of the night! i laid down and fell back asleep. I got woken back up by Hayes shaking me softly. "Hey, what do you want to do today? and please don't say have a girls day." I laughed and kissed his lips. 

"Hmm...Do you just want to have a lazy day?" He thought for a second then nodded. "Yeah, go text Jaidyn, so Max doesn't feel like a third wheel." We both laughed then he left and i texted Jaidyn.

Justine: Hey Jai, do you want to come over and have a lazy day with us?
Crazy bish: Duh! can i sleepover too?
Justine: DUH! see you soon.
Crazy Bish: Okay see ya...oh and please change my contact name.
Justine: Fine.
Jai the Bae: Thank you!

I laughed then put my phone o the charger. I change into my Hayes Grier crop top and sweats, then walked downstairs. "I don't know how you're that skinny, you're so lazy." Max said right as i flopped down onto the couch. "You're skinny too! it's in our genes smart one." He rolled his eyes. "The Queen has arrived bow down peasants!" Jaidyn yelled walking through the door. 

"You heard her Max, bow down to your Queen + Her best friend." I said pushing him off of the couch. "Ow!" He screamed then started dragging me around the floor by my foot. I didn't fight it, cause Hayes will most likely stop him, or he will just stop.

"Max let go of Justine's foot." Hayes said walking down the stairs only wearing sweatpants. "You're not the boss of me." "But i am taller and stronger than you." (Hayes needs to asap) He rolled his eyes then let go of my leg.

Hayes picked me up bridal style and dumped me on the couch, then sat down on my legs. Then he turned on the TV and started to look for something on Netflix. "Wait, aren't we going to eat breakfast?" Max asked. We all looked at him. "Sorry stupid question, i'll go make myself something." "Make me something too!" Jaidyn yelled.

Everyone that knows us personally, know that i don't eat breakfast, it's not that i want to starve myself, it's just school breakfast ruined it for me, so i just don't eat breakfast anymore, i do sometimes though.

"Haasss Why aren't you eating?" I asked confused as to why the boy that always eats half of the fridge isn't eating. "I want to see how it feels to skip breakfast." "Well, you usually feel hungry, until you decide to eat, the hunger feeling stops hurting as much after awhile." 

"You know that's bad right?" Hayes asked. "Yeah." He got off of me, then laid behind me with his arms wrapped around me. We watched Earth to Echo, then some episodes of Teen wolf. We really didn't do much today, Max and Jaidyn were probably the only people who got up to do something, haha Hayes and i are so lazy, even though we usually aren't.

it's about 5:30 right now, and Nash went to go buy some stuff for us to eat tonight, plus he went to the airport to go pick up Matt and Jess. Max was tired of watching movies, so he made us go to my room, while he played video games.

"Well now I want to do something." I said laying down on my bed, so that my head was touching Jaidyn's. "Well, do you want to play catch with me?" Hayes asked. "Football or baseball?" "Which ever." "Okay, Jaidyn do you want to come?" "Nah, i'm going to watch Pretty Little Liars and yell at every little thing, until the Neighbors who are moving in next door wonder what's happening. 

"Okay, bye weirdo love you." "Love you too." I grabbed Hayes' football from his room, then jumped on his back.

A/N: These last Chapters, are going to be pretty short, but i'll try to make the last one really long. I love you guys! Oh and there will be a Sequel, i already have it set up to start writing once this story is done.

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